My shock subsides into elation, my heart pounding as my fingertips trace my lower abdomen. The second my hand lands there, I warp into a weepy smile. I love them already, even if they don't exist yet.
Which means I cry even harder out of fear, wrapping my arms around my stomach. “Oh, God. No, no, no— I can't let anything happen to our baby if I'm finally pregnant.”
Lilian gives my shoulders a steady squeeze. “Nothing will hurt you or your future pup. There's 20,000 wolves ready to make sure of that.”
My stomach churns until my full body quivers. Rainn cuddles in closer, and I find comfort in her familiar scent.
“Are you upset you might be pregnant? Or just scared of Mason?” Rainn asks.
I swallow hard. “I... I need my mate by my side.”
Lilian releases my shoulders, stroking them instead. “I know, sweetheart. But he's on his way, and we're here with you in the meantime.”
I groan. “But I also don’t want an abusive asshole to take another moment away from us. After all that hope and excitement, I feel vulnerable in this dress now.”
Amy attempts her best smile. “You know what? That's just right now. I know you can feel confident in it again. Mason has nothing to do with the dress.”
I nod, blowing out a slow breath.
Amy glances around the room. “And hey, even after ten minutes or so, it doesn't seem like Mason's busting in, does it?”
My shoulders soften, soaking in the complete stillness around us. There’s only the wolves protecting me here. I can't bring myself to stop shielding my stomach, but I can breathe a bit deeper.
“I guess he's not,” I say.
Amy offers her hand. “Come on. Let’s get you out of this dress so Noah can still be surprised.”
My shaking limbs refuse to function. I have to hang on Amy and Rainn as I remove the dress and slip on a robe. I double over in Amy’s arms, dizzy from my over-anxious heart—until I feel Noah’s pounding approach in our bond.
My fear evaporates into the background as a punch of adrenaline hits me in the gut. With it comes clarity.
I jolt upright. “Mason is taunting my mate.”
As I make for the door, Lilian gasps. Petrified, wide eyes overtake her usual neutrality. “No, wait!”
I freeze. I almost forgot I don’t have to worry about just myself anymore. But what if Noah dies, taking not only me, this possible-baby with him?
I can’t think about that horrifying possibility right now; I don’t have long to warn Noah, if I can convince him at all. Pressing against the shop’s largest front window, I scan the forest for Noah’s massive black wolf. Noah, Mason is baiting you again. There’s no way this isn’t another trap. Mason always catches you when you’re distracted by my safety.
I don’t give a fuck. I’ll destroy him, and anyone he’s with.
No, Noah, I need you! I need you right here with me before anything else happens. Let’s solve this together, as Alpha and future Luna.
Noah’s anger softens, revealing something much deeper than rage: primal fear.
Shit. I want him here primarily because I really think I am pregnant; my hand won’t stop automatically landing on my stomach at the sound of Lexi crying in the back room. But if I tell Noah, he'll feel even more protective. I don't want him to be too impulsive.
I shudder through Noah's panic as I spot his wolf a few miles out in the distance, bristled fur making him larger than ever as he clambers up mountain rocks.
I-I can’t lose you, Omega. I can’t.
A sudden calm washes over me at the sight of my mate needing my comfort. Stay focused, and you won't.
To my right, Kira and Yasmine bare their fangs at nearby trees, their discarded clothes in heaps at my feet. That must be where Mason is hiding.
My wolf bares her teeth, despite my human form cowering into Lilian as she comes rushing up behind me.
But Lilian grabs me, dragging me behind a clothing rack in the center of the room. “Why did you do that?!”