“No, it’s not! Hell, no!”
I sputter out a laugh at Noah's exasperated tone, tracing my nails across his back to settle his charged energy.
“Oh, Goddess,” he breathes. “I just can’t believe my favorite wolf in the world wants to be my Luna.”
I lift my chin, gazing at him hovering over me. “What?! Of course I do. I did when we first met, and now I love you more than ever!”
“I-I know, but it’s different, now that it’s finally happening after waiting my whole life for it. This is a million times better than what I dreamed of as a kid. Because it’s you.” He shakes his head in disbelief, unable to contain his massive smile. “Fuck, maybe I’m still asleep. You’re going to be my Luna.”
I had no idea it was this important to him. He tried so hard to protect me from feeling pressured that he stored all this hope inside himself. I don’t want him to do that with me anymore.
I cup Noah’s face between firm palms, making sure he’s looking straight at me. “Listen to me, okay?”
He nods, hyper, nocturnal irises glinting in the darkness as they flick across my face.
“I already know you’re going to protect me, so this is my way of signifying my commitment to you and your pack. Let me be your protector and nurturer, for life.” My heart is racing, but I’ve never felt so certain.
Noah melts above me, his shoulders crumbling as he droops against my chest. As his lips crash against mine, his shaking breath tugs at my heart.
“T-thank you.” His voice comes out as a broken whisper. Noah’s tears drip onto my cheeks, startling a gasp from me.
I lean in twice as hard, desperate to share the love overflowing in my heart. Skating my fingers into the back of his hair, I urge him to my lips over and over again.
I’ve got you too, sweet Alpha. Always.
He whimpers, caressing my back as our kissing turns into a full-body makeout. Noah rolls his hips into me, kneading my clit in a slow, tender dance. I moan into his mouth as his hands worship every inch of me, my knees opening to welcome him between my legs.
As we gaze deep into each other's eyes, mating face-to-face, I know my life has been upended today. I’m no longer a school teacher, I’m committing myself to Noah for life, and I’m asking for exactly what I need.
And I couldn’t be happier.
The start of summer vacation is no longer a “vacation” anymore without a job to return to, so I don’t know what to do with myself. I could think up some more ideas on the Rogue daycare we’ll open in the fall, but I promised Rainn we’d do that together next week. I could plan more for my upcoming Luna ceremony, but other than mentally preparing for my induction and our mating ritual, there’s nothing I can prepare for alone.
With the added pressure of being the ceremony’s front-and-center, I'm just as anxious to perform the ceremony steps correctly as I am excited. Maybe I’ll get it all wrong and ruin the ceremony, or maybe it’ll be the best day of our lives thus far even if I make minor mistakes. My stomach flutters just thinking about it, but every uncertainty is worth becoming Noah’s Luna.
I can’t stop smiling as I fetch the new scrapbook I purchased yesterday. Gathering my old, cut-up magazines and decorative cardstock, I sit down with one image in mind: creating a visual representation of my bond with Noah. I want to surprise him with the first spread before my Luna Ceremony, keeping the following pages blank for us to add to over the years.
Although, I’m not sure if he’s as sentimental as I am. There aren’t many pictures lining his cabin walls. Instead, fuzzy rugs and blankets coat every floor and couch, allowing me to curl up in Noah’s residual scent.
Familiar comforts have been necessary the last few days. I’m not sure if I’m coming down with something, or if it’s just my usual crash after a stressful school year. All I know is I’m exhausted.
My heart flips; I could also be pregnant. Noah and I did mate without protection on the last day of school, and again every night since, but it hasn’t even been a week since the first attempt—a bit too early for a pregnancy test. I’m trying so hard not to get my hopes up that my stomach rumbles in complaint.
After an hour of scrapbooking, I’m happy with my progress. Hiding the scrapbook beneath my side of the bed, I fetch my laptop and head out the door.
Yasmine waits in her old convertible with a fanged grin. She puts her arm around my seat just before I get in, giving me a nod. “Hey, Luna. Nice necklace.”
I bite my lip, clutching the moonstone Noah gave me. “I know it’s a little too fancy for coffee, but I just thought—”
Yasmine waves me off. “I’m giving you a hard time. That thing is gorgeous on you, but it’s also really special, you know? Only Lunas wear moonstones.”
My heart flips over itself as Yasmine shifts into drive, throwing my hair back in the wind. By the time we’re racing down the country roads, my mind finally catches up with Yasmine’s words. “Only Lunas?”
Yasmine does a double take at my gaping eyes before bursting into laughter. “He didn’t tell you, did he? As Luna, you’re basically our pack’s figurehead of protection, nurturing, fertility, and emotional safety, so the moonstone is supposed to provide it all back to you from the Moon Goddess.” Yasmine cackles as my stomach somersaults. “My best friend is such a sneaky bastard. The dude’s mad in love with you, if you couldn’t tell.”
I let out a bright laugh, shuffling in my seat. “God, I don’t know how to thank him enough, Yas. For everything he’s done for me, but especially for accepting me as his Luna. Even with our bond, I’m having trouble scoping out what he might like as a gift for the Luna Ceremony. What I have so far doesn’t feel big enough.”