Page 114 of Freeing My Alpha

He blinks through our kiss, some of the stark yellow fading from his vision with it. With a deep breath, Noah loosens his voice into its usual, gentle hum. “I know how much it means to you. I can smell, feel, and see it. Just don’t put so much pressure on yourself that you don’t enjoy it, okay? I’m okay to wait, as long as we’re here together.”

“But it means just as much to you too. I could see it today, on the field, and feel it right now, in your wolf.”

Noah kisses me slowly, nodding along to my words. “Y-you're right. Maybe that’s why my wolf just freaked the fuck out, smelling you in heat. I want this with you so badly too.”

My heart leaps, my wolf whining in delight.

“But we won't have to wait much longer, okay? We're going to figure this out soon, one way or another. I know it.” His words turn my body to jelly, but Noah keeps me pressed against him in a full-body hug. “There you go. Relax, gorgeous.”

I lean into him, allowing him to hold my weight.

“Good girl. I’ve got you.”

My heart squeezes. “Noah...”

We nuzzle each other’s heads, stroking each other’s bodies everywhere we can reach. Noah kisses my sweaty temple, brushing my hair back into order.

But I’m lost in his every breath, dropping my head back against his shoulder as he holds me. A stupid grin remains plastered to my face no matter how hard I bite it back. I just can’t stop staring at him. I feel all mushy.

Noah breaks into a heavy-lidded grin. “Is this still my wolf mate looking back at me? Or my human mate?”

“It’s both of us. We’re thinking the same thing.”

He chuckles, his lips barely grazing my cheeks. My blinks slow, relishing in every second of his affection.

Noah smiles. “And what are you both thinking?”

“That you’re beautiful.”

His shyness takes hold as expected, fluttering my heart. But to my surprise, he holds my stare. Braving the discomfort for me.

“You’re the most beautiful wolf on the planet,” he whispers.

Our lips meet on instinct, and our prodding tongues flex Noah into my cervix. I give Noah a soft, pleased moan.

Which is when Mrs. Jacobs enters the bathroom.

“Miss Matsuoka? Are you alright in here?”


Noah’s eyes are wider than ever, but I grip his arm, clinging to him for dear life.

“Y-yeah! I’m good!” My voice cracks, exhausted from how heavily Noah just pleasured me. Noah shuts his eyes, breathing away his amusement at the shocked look I just gave him at my own voice. This is so bad! Do you think she saw your feet, Noah?

Shit, I don’t know how she couldn’t have. They’re hard to miss. He hobbles forward as quietly as he can. At least my jacket is covering my giant, bare ass, but—

Mrs. Jacobs gasps. Noah and I freeze.

“Oh, goodness. Are you sure you’re okay?” Mrs. Jacobs asks. “I saw you run off to the teacher’s lounge, but you’ve been in here a while, and you sound stressed.”

I flush, gripping my forehead. “I-I’m fine, thanks. I’ll see you back out there.”

There’s an uncomfortable silence. Mrs. Jacobs seems to rock on her feet, her heels tapping the linoleum. “W-well, just before I go, I wanted to say—”

Oh, my God, is she serious, Noah? What if I was taking a shit?!

Noah rushes to bite his knuckle, barely stifling a laugh. Oh, Goddess, Omega, stop. You’re fucking killing me— He flexes into me with the laughter tensing his abdomen. I have to clench my jaw to withstand how good it feels. Maybe she really hasn’t noticed me?