Sorry, Alpha. I got a little too excited by you. I lick the drop of blood my fangs left on his thigh, peeking up at him guiltily.
My mate furrows his brows. “Fuck, Omega. We’ve had so much mating sex, I forgot how horny your wolf was in heat. But today, I don’t get it. It’s almost like she wants me to play-fight with her.”
I nod.
But that feels so odd to me that a bit of my usual, human vision slips through, pink hues seeping back into our skin tones.
One of Noah’s eyebrows raises as mine furrow; I’m struggling to push past my wolf’s judgment to see reality. Why are we so riled up today? I’ve never liked conflict, so why do I feel like pestering my mate on purpose? Enticing a genuine growl out of him?
Noah studies me. “What is it that you need, feisty Omega? Your wolf is rolling at my feet again. Does she want me to roughhouse with her?”
I hum, staring at Noah’s tempting thigh. When I open my mouth to nip him again, Noah growls. I shrink, but with a burst of my elation in our bond.
Noah breaks into a sly grin. “Oh, I see. She wants me to put her in submission?”
Excitement floods my veins. I stare back into his eyes, challenging him directly.
“Try,” I whisper.
I can’t stop myself. I rush in to bite his thigh again, but Noah growls—earnestly growls, glaring down and everything.
Just like I wanted.
“Feisty Omega. You’re naughty today.”
I gasp at the rush of heat his words burrow into me. Noah freezes.
Then he frowns. “Wanting to play-fight is one thing. But if I didn’t know you better, I’d think your kink suddenly reversed itself.”
“My kink?” I blink a few times. “What kink?”
He tilts his head, a slow smile creeping over his face. “You don’t know?”
I glare at him. “Don’t laugh at me.”
We both freeze; Noah’s chest puffs in response to my gaze.
Oh, shit. I just challenged his wolf somehow.
Unintentionally challenging my Alpha sends such a hearty thrill through my chest that I tear my eyes away, tensing like I’ve been jumpscared. With it comes a rush of heat to my pussy so indulgent, I’m forced to swallow a shuddering moan.
Even after a stabilizing breath, my wolf’s voice comes out shaky. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. If anything, my kink is just mating with you.”
Noah chuckles. “Okay, okay. Either way, you’re confusing me today, Omega. Almost like you’re in a different headspace than you’ve ever shown me before.”
I clean his thigh with an irritated growl, but Noah places a hand on my head with a gasp.
“Oh, fuck, wait. Look at me again.”
I obey, but when I see his curious, adorable head tilt, I whip my head away on purpose with a smile, forcing him to move me himself if he wants to look at me again.
He’s gentle with me, but he does guide my face back to him, urging me to look at him with a stable grip on my chin as he looms over me.
When we meet eyes, Noah’s grin widens. “Oh, I think I nailed it by accident.” He turns my head side to side, analyzing my eyes. “This isn't my sweet Omega. This is my sweet Alpha, isn’t it?”
My lungs pulse faster with every second that my powerful Alpha’s eyes challenge me head-on. I don’t want to look away, no matter how many times it flips my heart. Eventually, I can’t bear the rush of it, dropping my stare to Noah's knees as I gasp for air.
He’s heightening my heat. Every inch of me burns, concentrating my pleasure in my core. It almost feels like his eyes have already been mating me silly, my pussy pulsing with an aching, wet fire.