Page 8 of My Shy Alpha

Reality bends, and I’m reeling with it. But I don’t have time to. The brown wolf snaps their jaws, ready to tear into Noah the second his black, towering form meets it face to face.

And I have an opening to run.

But no matter how terrified and confused I am, everything in me screams to protect Noah.

As the wolves tumble, I scramble across the forest floor, searching for a large enough rock. When Noah pins the strange wolf to the ground again, I throw with all my might.

The rock hits the brown wolf square in the head, and Noah’s ears shoot upright in surprise.

Then he looks at me. Golden, piercing eyes spike my heart down to my knees.

But Noah can’t stare for long. His attacker squirms to run away, whimpering louder by the second. Noah isn’t letting up. Hot, furious drool drips from his fangs as he lifts his lips. The black wolf’s low, rumbling snarl morphs the brown wolf’s cries from whimpers to yipes.

I can feel Noah’s anger - his thirst for revenge shakes in my own chest. And I get why; maybe the brown wolf would’ve hurt us, given a chance. But from what I know about wolves, they don’t attack without reason. I probably encroached on their territory, maybe even their den with newborn spring pups, and now they’re pissed and trying to shoo us away.

Regardless, Noah’s dominance has triumphed by miles - no blood necessary. And after the losses I’ve experienced, I don’t want to witness anyone else die.

My voice comes out shaking and squeaky. “Noah, it’s over! Let them go!”

Noah pauses, glancing between me and the animal beneath his massive paws, each paw three times larger than my head. With one final warning snarl, Noah releases the wolf.

Well, relatively. He chases it until it scrambles into the forest with its tail tucked.

Noah gives one final, irritated huff through his massive black snout before turning around and padding toward me. He makes the trees feel like twigs in not just size but presence, every insect and animal softening into silence within a wide radius of his shimmering coat.

Fresh adrenaline stings my nerves. Even if Noah saved my life, a truck-sized wolf approaching sends red alerts to my system. I withdraw a step, and Noah freezes.

“Oh, God. You’re...”

He slinks back, his ears tucking in embarrassment.

“I’m sorry! It’s just– You’re so big, and I’m small to begin with, and–” I have to crane my neck to look at him, leaning so far that my shaky legs drop me onto my butt with a grunt.

Noah’s ears pop up in concern.

Before I can stand, the massive black wolf circles me, huffing hot air all over my body with his huge nose.

“Noah! What–?!” I giggle at his ticklish nose without meaning to, only cutting my laugh short with gasping, anxious breaths.

He stops at my hands, bloody from falling earlier. My nerves buzz throughout my palms as he gives them the softest lick he can manage. This has to be a dream, right? Noah’s big, golden eyes peek at me before his tongue moves to my bloody knees. As I stare into them, I can’t help but feel he’s putting care into every lick.

When he’s done, his massive head moves in. But I flinch. Seeing him this close, he could swallow me whole.

Noah pauses a few inches from my nose, analyzing my tense shoulders. My heart burns from how hard it pounds.

This day makes no sense whatsoever, but that doesn’t stop Noah from being gorgeous. Layer upon layer of thick black fur frames golden eyes, his pitch-black nose blending with his snout. I want to memorize every strand of fur. Become one with them.

But Noah awaits my next move. His sweet, puppy-like stare kneads my heart muscles into action, protective instincts welling in me as he flashes the white beneath his irises.

I can’t help myself; I sink my hands into the fluffy fur on top of his head.

He’s softer than I expected. Goosebumps erupt across my entire body, begging to immerse more and more of my skin into Noah’s downy fluff.

But that’s not the best part; Noah’s eyelids droop in bliss as I stroke him. My heart twirls.

As if he notices, his eyes laze open. They gaze deep into mine as I shift to scratching his cheeks. He looks so serious that my hands freeze.

Nudging his cheek against my palm, Noah easily brushes my hand from him.