His voice is so final, but so soothing, that my body submits to his words before my mind, every muscle loosening into goo. The stranger slides a hand behind my neck, cupping my head in one big palm. My teeth chatter, but his teal eyes soften as if he’s relaxing in my presence despite being my lifeline.
With his fingers buried into the back of my hair, he strokes my scalp. “You don’t have to be scared anymore. I’m your Alpha.”
The urge in my heart explodes. I grip the man’s black Sherpa jacket, struggling to breathe as intense, unfamiliar emotions seal my soul to him. He drags his nose up the side of my neck, its cold tip releasing a soft cry from my throat. The second he caresses a particular golden spot on my neck, a wave of absolute peace washes over me.
“Breathe,” he whispers.
My knees buckle, forcing the man to wrap one arm around my waist. Pressed against his body, I grip for more of him, overcome by the need to let him nuzzle into that sweet, luscious spot on my neck. And he does, again and again, as we sink to the forest floor.
Just like in my dream.
“We’re safe, I promise you. I scared them away.” He softens his voice, only an inch from my nose.
As we stare at each other, my shoulders soften. His gaze widens until I swear I’m looking at the sweetest, most vulnerable soul I’ve ever seen. Before I can stop it, a slow smile creeps over my face. I don’t know why, but maybe he’s right; we’re safe now, and something unbelievable is happening. Judging by the flustered, anxious grin gracing his cheeks, he feels the same.
“I-I’ve dreamt of you, I swear, but–” He shakes his head, unable to look into my eyes as his cheeks burn. He has no idea he just sucked the air out of me, my heart pounding itself into overwhelm. “Sorry, that’s so weird to say. I-I meant– I just–” He takes a deep, shaky breath. Then he dares to look back into my eyes. “You feel i-important to me, and I was drawn to you, a-and...” The man bites his lip, hardly able to suppress a smile as mine only grows. “Fuck, I finally found you.”
An elated laugh spills from me. He’s more precious than I imagined, flushing deeper as I cup his cheeks. Erupting into shy, airy giggles, he drops his forehead against mine. Our laughter feels celebratory, brightening the forest around me despite how dark it’s grown. The breezy relief between us washes away my fears, a tremendous feeling inside me screaming, This is exactly where I’m supposed to be.
In a bed of dry leaves, the truth spills out of me. “You are him. The one I’ve been waiting for my whole life.”
His fresh tears pool as he pulls me in tighter. His thumb brushes my neck again, and I shudder, hardly suppressing a moan. That single touch shoots through me before flourishing in my groin.
My cheeks blaze, stunned by my own reaction to this stranger. I pull away, peeking up at him. Does he have any idea what he’s doing to me? Is it perverted to have this much blood pooling between my legs, or is that spot on my neck another G-spot they didn’t want to teach us about in Sex Ed? I can’t actually be turned on for once, can I?
But slow, blissed-out blinks greet me, and an uptick in a delicious, saccharine scent surrounding us makes my mouth water.
“Good job,” his deep whisper rumbles, and it’s over for me. “If it’s too much, we don’t have to keep–”
Grabbing fistfuls of his jacket, I drag my cheek across his chest, exposing my neck to him for more. When he gives it a delicate bite, a burst of heat flashes through my groin.
Oh, my God, I do want to get down and dirty in the leaves. This is the first time since–
No, I can’t think about what happened. I want to enjoy this, now that I’m finally feeling this way.
He redirects my mind easily, adjusting his embrace to give me a full-body squeeze. Pleasure tingles up my spine. His all-encompassing touch feels so good that I grind into his lap without a second thought. He shifts one hand to my hips, pressing me deeper into him with every tingling caress of my neck.
“Oh, Goddess, you’re so much more gorgeous than I imagined.” His deep voice breaks with desire. “I want you, I–”
I run my nose along his neck, returning the favor, but the man gasps. By the end of my touch, he’s shuddering, burying his expression in my shoulder.
“Holy fuck. N-no one has ever–”
My heart sinks. “Was that bad? Should I stop?”
“No. Fuck, no.” He cuddles me closer, but by the way he’s hiding his face, I’m certain he meant he’s only been on the giving end of whatever this golden spot on my neck is, and God, it’s good.
“Do you like it?” I ask.
After an adorable pause filled with slow strokes of my back, he nods into my shoulder.
He wants it. Craves it, maybe.
“Then I’ll be gentle, okay? You deserve affection too.” My words raise his shoulders. But they also tilt his neck, bearing his pulsing jugular for more affection.
By the second time I run my nose along it, he gives what sounds like a low purr. I gasp at how beautiful he sounds, but when my breath traces his neck, it’s like a piece of him snaps.
He dives back in to caress my neck. Except it’s not his nose that greets me; it’s his hot, wet tongue. My breath restarts, my core flexing with each lick like we’re fucking. It widens my knees and tightens my grip on his back for more.