“Lucy,” Natalie sighed, “I have been so happy to have my sister from another mister back that… well, I’ve struggled to do the thing I need to do… formally.”
“Well, a lot is going on.”
“No. I mean, yes. Fuck. I’m dreadful at this. How do men propose? I wouldn’t sign up for the task. No one is fine with an ambush proposal, are they?”
“Aren’t most proposals an ambush, Nat?”
“I dunno,” Natalie shook her head. “Ignore me. Feeling lost. Uh… Lord Hewlett is set to retire and I would like you to be Lord—Lady—Chamberlain.”
Lucy cocked her head. “Nat, can you even offer me that?”
“I can and am. Dad told me it was my decision but endorsed it. Mum and Sanne will fall to bits if you say no?—”
“No pressure.”
“Lucy, when I told Lord Hewlett I had his replacement lined up and he heard it was you, he practically danced a jig. Everyone wants this.”
“Fuck. Nat, I have been gone so long and?—”
“I know. But, Luce, both of us are ready. This is far better than you being a lady-in-waiting and having to travel. You will see your babies. Winston cannot whinge about that. We can raise our children together. I need you to help George and Patrick acclimate and help me survive new motherhood.”
“It is only fair given that you’ve done so for me,” Lucy said.
“Do it for yourself, not out of obligation for me,” Natalie said. “But… please do it. You are the best person for the job. My daughter needs to see a woman kicking arse in that role.”
“It’s a girl?” Lucy asked.
“I don’t know for certain, but I foolishly hope it is. Either way, I’d like our children to see you thrive. This job needs you, Lucy. We need you. And you need us. It’s problematic symbiosis, but we’re family.”
Lucy snickered. “Okay, but I must talk to Winston before I formally accept. Give him time to digest it.”
“How are you?”
“We’re fine. He’ll be down permanently as soon as we can get all the dogs back and the boys can start school.”
“We’ll be okay,” Lucy said. “But… we just need some space. He’s coming down to look at houses.”
“Good,” Natalie said. That was a good sign.
“Who knows.”
“Well, you’re always welcome.”
“Ed will reach his breaking point.”
“I think he’s just relieved that the two of you have seemingly made up,” Natalie admitted. “He was worried just like the rest of us. He also agrees you’re the one.”
Lucy smiled. “People think like that?”
Natalie nodded. “They do.”
Lucy pointed the plate in Natalie’s direction. “You’re doing it.”
“What?” Natalie looked down.