“He fell asleep in the car,” Winston said.
“How did you get here so fast?” Jenn asked. “Lucy said you didn’t leave until late last night our time.”
“Oh, my cousin had aircraft envy and bought a jet to keep up with his twin sister. So, she was already coming back.”
“You flew with George?” Francine asked, surprised. She was the only other person in the room besides Winston aware of Lucy’s prior five-year-long relationship with the former Prince of Wales.
“He was pretty insistent. Flew us back. He had to take rest hours. Pilots are required to.”
“That boy flies?” Dwight wondered. “The prince?”
They expected a slur to be uttered or some other comment about George’s relationship with Patrick. Instead, Dwight said very little.
“He’s also a pilot, yes,” Winston replied. “Always a pissing contest between him and Nat. Of course, she would win that any way you slice it.”
Lucy snickered. It was true.
“Regardless, he delivered us here,” Lucy said. “And we are grateful for that.”
Malcolm stirred.
Brittany approached, holding her hands out. “Do you want to meet Grandpa?”
Lucy wanted to tell her no and scoop Malcolm up, but Winston remained in charge. He handed the baby over. Brittany sat on the bed next to Dwight, holding Malcolm securely in her lap. He was still gaining awareness, playing with his grandfather’s oxygen tube.
“No, sweetie, let’s leave that,” Lucy felt the need to step in.
“Sweetheart, I can manage it. I raised three of you,” Brittany insisted.
Of course, she had. She had also stayed in an abusive relationship and allowed terrible abuse to happen. Lucy figured mentioning this was a poor choice.
“He’s a carrot top,” Dwight smiled slightly. “Chubby little guy.”
Malcolm looked over at Dwight as he spoke, inquisitively. He waved. Lucy’s heart melted.
“Well, hello, little man,” Dwight said, voice tired. “He’s a sweet little guy, Lucy.”
“He is darling,” Lucy said. “A total sweetheart and very good baby. He’s Winston’s mini—a typical Ferguson with the ginger hair.”
“Unfortunately,” Winston said.
“Oh, stop,” Lucy shook her head and went to Connor who stirred.
“He was just sleeping away. God, I cannot believe how big Malcolm is,” Jenn said. “You want to hold him?”
Lucy smiled and gleefully lifted the baby. “Well, look at you, buddy. You look like your Mom.”
“Thank God,” Tim said. “Better her than me.”
“He’s darling,” Lucy said. “So sweet. Malcolm is a monster.”
“I cannot believe you delivered him without drugs. God. This one was killing me.”
“Every baby is different, I’m sure,” Lucy said, trying to ease her sister’s internalised guilt about her own medicated birth. Lucy would have much rather pushed Malcolm out in a hospital room fully medicated than on her bedroom floor before a fireplace during an ice storm with a vet attending. She hoped when they had another that she could do it on drugs.
“He’s a precious little guy,” Winston cooed. “I miss these days. They’re so much less hassle.”
“Don’t start,” Lucy said. “The sleep deprivation, Winston!”