Page 106 of The Un-Apparent Heir

“She doesn’t like babies right now,” Olav said. “It’s… a thing.”

“We’re not going to have any more babies,” Cecilia declared.

It seemed unlikely that more babies would happen for the Norwegians. It was a shame. Between Kiersten’s traumatic delivery of Cecilia and the currently shaky marriage between the Norwegian spare and his wife, the Norsk court only had 2 children in the line of succession. It was nervy.

“No, that is the plan. No more babies,” Olav said.

Kiersten shot him a look.

Kiersten wasn’t even yet 30. She wanted more babies. This was obvious now. Duncan was not helping.

“Hello! Hello!” Paul called out. “We’ve brought the circus.”

“Oh, hey!” Ed entered the family room from the hall to the butler’s pantry.

He brought drinks for everyone.

Keir ran to Lucy to observe his new cousin.

“How are the twins?” Natalie asked her brother as he approached.

He had one baby in a sling and the other was in Sanne’s arms.

“They are barely awake, but it’s not nap time,” Sanne answered. “So, someone keep them awake.”

“I’ll take one,” George volunteered.

“You just whinged about your children,” Natalie laughed.

“He wants another baby. He always wants another baby,” Patrick said. “Keir, Nate, the girls are out in the garden.”

Nate took off, ignoring the new baby.

“He is a good baby, Auntie,” Keir ignored the hubbub with his cousins.

“Do you want to hold him?” Natalie asked. “I know this is old hat for you, but I’d let you?”

“Come here,” Lucy said.

Keir took her place and Lucy handed the baby over.

It made Natalie strangely emotional to see them together like that. Keir was Natalie’s heir presumptive for half a decade. And now, here he was holding her baby—the long-awaited little miracle baby no one saw coming. Together, they were precious. She began to cry, taking a picture with her mobile.

“Natalie, are you crying?” Lucy asked.

“Are you crying, Auntie Nat?”

“It’s just… I never expected to see this. And I am so grateful for it. No, Keir. It’s very sweet. You have always been such a special person and now you get to hold this miracle of a person. It’s almost like we’ve always needed him here.”

Ed handed Natalie a beer. “It’s been long-awaited. And you did an excellent job, baby.”

“It will be a loud life,” Natalie said. “But the best type. We’re all here. Couldn’t be better, right?”

“So happy for you both,” George said. “Truly. We’ve come full circle. We’re all old, married, and with kids.”

“I’m a mum. It’s perfection,” Natalie said. “I will never take it for granted.”

“Don’t,” Paul looked emotional. “Life is so fleeting and they grow so fast.”