“I will be good. I promise.”

“You’re always good, Lucy.”

Winston moved his hand between her legs, completely ignoring that she was the size of a bloated tick and the fact that he’d just cum inside her half an hour before. He wasn’t squeamish. She moaned louder, trying to keep it under wraps but Lucy was never quiet during sex. She was known to lose her mind, full-on eyes-rolling-back-in-the-head, screaming as she came. It was impossible.

“Oh, you’re not going to make it, are you?” Winston asked. “Damn, Luce, you want to fight it, but you can’t.”

“I don’t want to fight it,” she panted. “I am just trying to keep it down.”

“Cum for me, then,” Winston said.

He hit the most blessed spot with his fingers. She would cu hard. She couldn’t hold back. He covered her mouth as she climaxed.

Lucy came strong, filtering back into the pillow. It felt like heaven. She was positively orgasmic when pregnant. This was no exception. Winston flipped her over on her side and slid inside her, pulling her hips back towards him possessively. Lucy moaned again.

Then, she felt something else.

“Winston, stop!” Lucy said.

He kissed her neck, thinking he should play along.

“No, really, stop. I… I think my water just broke.”

“You just squirted?—”

“No, I think my water broke I feel like I’m leaking. You must stop.”

“Shit,” Winston hopped up and panicked.

“Stop panicking. Let’s get dressed and get out the door. I must get to the hospital. This baby is not going to wait long.”

They feverishly dressed and fled the estate with little said to Winston’s family. A second baby was an easy situation. Lucy was just relieved to deliver at a hospital. Winston drove, nervous, but excited. Within ten minutes on the road, unable to move or distract herself, Lucy struggled with contractions. They hurt. They came on like a tsunami. She groaned and moved as much as she could. Winston took note of the timing.

Over the forty minutes that it took them to get to the hospital, Lucy’s contractions went from ten minutes apart to five. This baby wasn’t going to wait. Winston dropped Lucy at the door and raced to find a parking space. Lucy doubled over in pain. An older gentleman on his mobile phone looked over.

“Miss, are you having a baby?”

Lucy could only nod.

“Do you need help?”

“My husband is… parking the car,” she said. “I am having a baby like… now.”

“Tom, I’ll ring you later. There’s an American lass here about to have a baby.”

He hung up and raced in, grabbing a wheelchair. She thanked her lucky stars for his generosity.

“Where is the baby and mother’s ward?” He asked a desk attendant.

The attendant barked out directions and the Good Samaritan raced her to the correct elevator. Lucy texted Winston that she would meet him in the ward.

“I am so sorry. I didn’t mean to bother you,” Lucy choked out between ever-closer contractions.

“I have three of my own. My daughter has two. I couldn’t leave you there. It’s awful they make it so difficult to find a space.”

Lucy nodded. “Yeah. Still, they at least don’t leave you to die if you cannot pay.”

“You’re far from home, lassie. Where is that?”