Gino nods approvingly. “I’m here to help on this end however you need me.” He leans back and takes a sip of wine. “I’ve been thinking about what we discussed. If you really want me to take over, I’ll do it, but I don’t want you rushing into any decisions. You get this done first and see how you feel after. The rest can wait.”
It can wait, but it won’t change anything. I’ll still want Shae, and she’ll still be a Byrne.
I keep my thoughts to myself and simply nod.
“How many guys you planning to take with you?”
“I thought I’d take Ettore and have him bring four of his most trusted soldiers with him.”
“What about your brother? Tommaso is nearly twenty now. He could use the experience.”
Irritation quickly sours my mood. Gino isn’t wrong, and I value his opinion, but my brother’s situation is complicated. “This mission is too important to take any unneeded risks. We’ll be going into their territory. I need to feel 100 percent confident in every man at my back.”
“Fair enough. Just remember that he’ll never get there if you don’t give him a chance.”
Gino knows as well as anyone that Tommaso’s mind doesn’t work quite like the rest of ours. It’s created problems every time we try to bring him into the fold. Communication with him is a challenge at best. The most frustrating part is that the guy is a fucking genius. He’s so damn smart but somehow can’t understand the simplest instructions. I don’t understand, and this isn’t the time for practicing tolerance. I have enough on my plate as it is, so dealing with Tommaso right now isn’t an option. I don’t even want to discuss it.
“Speaking of kids, how’s your brood?”
He smirks. “Quieter now that Pip is out of the house.”
“That good or bad?”
“Hell, I don’t know.” He shakes his head and laughs.
We spend the rest of dinner on lighter topics, catching up on family drama and sports news. I lost my father earlier than I should have, but I count myself lucky to have an uncle like Gino to help fill those shoes. The load I carry on my shoulders is infinitely more tolerable with him around.
Two days later, six of us board a private jet and set out for Canada, unsure what we’ll encounter. We’re so loaded down with equipment and supplies that the pilot informs us we’ll have to fuel up at each stop. I don’t give a fuck. You better believe I’m taking an arsenal of guns, a satellite phone, emergency equipment, and a week’s worth of provisions.
I saw the odd glances some of the guys sent my way but ignored them. They can give me a hard time after they’ve spent three weeks in a cabin hunting for their own food. Until then, they can keep their fucking mouths shut.
The first stop proves to be a dud. We don’t have to leave the plane for me to know it’s not the airstrip I’m looking for. A brand-new water tower stands across the runway from the hangars. It wasn’t on the Google Map satellite photos, or I could have saved us the trouble. We fuel up and set out for our next stop.
As soon as we touch ground at the second stop, I know I’ve found my airstrip.
Who is Nana Byrne? She’s an eighty-five-year-old grandma who relies on a walker to get around yet somehow still pulls the invisible strings that guide my family.
She’s my idol.
I like to think we’re kindred spirits.
If she’d been born in modern times, she would run this family outright. Nana is tough as nails, savvy, and loyal without fault. She’s also funny as hell and can drink anyone under the table. Who wouldn’t idolize the woman?
It’s no surprise I find myself at her house. I can’t imagine making any major life decision without talking it through with her first. I value her opinions as much as anyone, if not more so. That’s probably why it’s taken me a full week to make it over here. I’m not worried about her reaction, per se, but I don’t want to disappoint her.
“You know, I was worried, of course. But not like I would have been if it was any of the others.” She waves a gnarled finger at me, her eyes glinting with intelligence. “I knew my Shae would find a way home. I says to the others, until I see a body, my girl’s not dead. And here ye are, whole and hearty and lovely as ever.”
Nana never fails to make me smile, and today is no exception. I adore this woman.
“I’m sorry it took me so long to come by since getting back.”
“Go way outta that.” She waves off my apology. “You’re a busy woman. I knew you’d be by when you could. Now, tell me. What’s being done to catch the bastards who took ye?”
“We’ve been doing what we can, but there wasn’t much to go on. Hopefully, we’ll have a breakthrough soon. I’m definitely not giving up.”