Page 39 of Craving Chaos

Whether I win the bet or not, however, I will get Shae naked beneath me.

The way she’s responding to my touch has sealed her fate. I don’t care who she was dating or what her family name is. Her body responds to mine as intensely as mine does hers, and that’s all I need to know. If the bet is the fastest way to get her to drop her guard, then so be it. I’ll do whatever it takes.

Is that manipulative? Probably.

Should I respect her hesitations? Definitely. A woman’s right to say no is absolute.

Is that going to deter me from my mission? Fuck, no.

I should be an upstanding citizen who never breaks the law, but we all know that isn’t me. It isn’t Shae either. If she truly didn’t want me touching her, she’d kick my ass. Instead, she’s trying her hardest to keep from writhing on the bed while I rinse her hair.

Hair as black and soft as a raven’s wing.

Yet another reason this incessant craving for her has infected my bloodstream. Fighting it feels more pointless with each passing day. Life is short—maybe even shorter than we expect. Who are we to set aside what could be the greatest sex of our lives because we might get home to families who may not want us together? Seems like an awfully pathetic excuse to me.

And besides, it’s my duty as a man to prove we aren’t all shitty in bed.

“Let me grab a towel.” I hand her our cleanest one, which isn’t saying much. “No fancy shampoo, but hopefully, you feel better now.”

“Yeah, definitely. I can already tell the difference.” She pauses, then looks up at me hesitantly. “You … want me to wash yours?”

Shit. I should have been ready for that question, but it’s hard to think straight when every ounce of blood has detoured to my dick. As much as I want to say yes, it’ll only be worse when her lithe fingers rub sultry circles against my scalp. I’m not one to torture myself. If her fingers clench in my hair, it better be because my cock is buried deep inside her.

“Nah, I’ll dunk my head in the creek.”

“Oh, okay. Seems like it’d be awfully cold that way, but it’s your call.”

Good. Maybe the cold will tame this never-ending hard-on she’s created. “I’ll survive,” I mutter like a grumpy old geezer. The frustration of wanting what I can’t have is wearing on my nerves. I need to relieve some of the mounting tension. Now.

“I’m going to see what wood I can gather for the meat locker.” But first, a trip to the outhouse to tend to a different kind of wood. I head for the door, making sure to keep my back to her.

“Sounds good. I’m going to stay inside while my hair dries, but let me know if you need any help.”

“Yeah,” I grunt, then escape outside and around back. The flurries have stopped falling. A solid blanket of light gray clouds set a mellow tone for the day. They don’t look overly ominous, but our situation is precarious enough that any hint of possible bad weather is unwelcome. Even more reason to get some sort of storage device constructed. As soon as I’m done in here.

I step inside the outhouse and close the door behind me. It’s dark in the tiny cubicle except for slivers of light that slip in through the cracks. Where the cabin is built with solid tree trunks carefully aligned to keep out the weather, the outhouse is constructed of standard one-by-six boards brought in from a building supply store. They’ve warped with time. The place serves its purpose, though. And right now, it’s exactly what I need. Privacy.

When I grip myself, my cock goes impossibly hard with the knowledge that relief is in sight. I can’t believe I’m out here in the frigid cold choking my cock as if I can’t go a few weeks without shooting my load, but the woman drives me insane.

It only takes a momentary vision of her for my balls to pull tight in preparation. She’s lying on the bed on her back like she was moments ago, but instead of washing her hair, I’m shoving my cock deep down to the back of her throat. I fight back the tingles that try to radiate out from the base of my spine. I’m not ready for the fantasy to end, but when I picture her spreading wide and touching herself while moaning around my cock in her mouth, my orgasm catches me by surprise. I miss the first jet of cum before it rockets to the back wall. I don’t even fucking care. Pleasure washes over me like a spring rain shower. It cools my blood almost instantly, my strokes growing leisurely as I draw out every last wave of release.

Fuck, I needed that.

As I clean up, I study the toilet contraption for the first time. It’s more complicated than a hole in the ground but not sophisticated enough to be a septic tank. Whoever built the place must have had help or brought out machinery because the hole is too deep and narrow to have been dug by hand. A hole for a toilet gets me thinking about how a hole would probably be a great way to store our meat. I would only need to construct a lid.

I go out and scan the back wall of the cabin where a few outdoor tools are stored. There’s a pickax but no shovel. Not ideal but doable. Maybe even necessary, considering how frozen the ground is.

Hell, yeah. Why didn’t I think of this before?

After an orgasm and a great idea, I’m feeling energized—the best I’ve felt since our kidnapper’s plane fell out of the sky and left us stranded. We have food, shelter, and I’m one fish away from burying my face between Shae’s thighs.

I’m feeling so optimistic that I’m starting to view our time here as an enticing challenge. A return to life at its most basic form.

If I’m honest, it’s been refreshing to focus solely on survival.

No politics or strategizing. No worries about who might reject my role as boss. No dealing with other people’s catastrophes. I’ve hardly thought about what might have happened in my absence back home—who took leadership in my absence and the trouble Sante and Tommaso might have gotten into. Both concerns should have been looming in the back of my mind, but we’ve had more critical problems that took precedence. Out here in the wilderness, life is oddly simple. Ensure we have food, water, and warmth. Every day that we achieve that is a success.

Back home, I’d have to sort out what judges and politicians need to be bribed or how to keep the peace with another organization. The big question of the day here is whether we should eat the rabbit or the bird first. And when I finish constructing our freezer, I will have used my own two hands to create a solution that will help keep us alive.