“My cousin is obsessed with Diego, and she’s been glued to her phone after the nightclub post.”
“Trent,” I muttered.
Frankie laughed. “That’s what you get. I’ve warned you not to let him have your phone.”
“He does that regularly?” Cassandra asked as we shuffled closer to the front of the line.
“He gets at least one person a season. Last year, he swiped Rob’s phone and set up a verified Instagram account before he found out.”
Trent laughed. “Yeah, I posted a bunch of pictures of him at his daughter’s tea party.”
Rob had been practicing with the defense. When he came back into the locker room and found out what the rest of the team already knew, he chased down the receiver in seconds, tackling him to the ground and forcing him to take down the account. But the damage had already been done. Rob’s quick foray into social media blew up online and Trent spent the next three weeks doing shuttle runs while the rest of the team practiced.
“Trent can’t help himself,” Frankie said, shaking his head. “It’s why we love him.”
“We tolerate him because he’s one of the best receivers in the NFL,” I added. “Though I suspect Coach Simmons would trade him if he wasn’t.”
Trent grinned widely at Cassandra. “It’s part of my charm.”
The group of trainers in front of us gathered their drinks and moved away from the bar. I wrapped a protective arm around Cassandra. “Well, keep that charm away from my girlfriend, okay?”
I washed my hands and splashed cold water on my face. The weather was a balmy seventy degrees, but my body, acclimated to New England fall temperatures, hadn’t gotten the memo we lived in the South yet. And while at least some of his teammates knew Diego and I were dating for show, his attentiveness during the picnic had me even warmer.
I took a deep breath, catching my reflection in the mirror. Flushed cheeks, tousled hair, a sparkle in my eyes. At least I could play the part of Diego’s girlfriend well enough, though I didn’t see the need at this party. Most of his teammates knew the score. They knew that Diego and I were nothing but friends parading around as a couple. A fact that should have made me feel out of place. Instead, I’d been welcomed like I was supposed to be there.
Blotting my face, I threw the soft white hand towel into a wicker basket and returned to the party. With Diego nowhere to be found on a quick sweep, I made my way to the bar. No more rum and cokes for me. The two I’d already drank had me feeling flushed. And the weather. Not Diego. Or at least, only a little.
“Water, please. Sparkling, if you have it.”
The bartender poured me a glass, garnishing the glass with a twist of lime. I thanked him and found an empty, standing-height bar table where I could wait until Diego found me again.
“Oh, are you Cassandra?” A woman stopped short on her way to the bar, an empty glass in her hand.
“Um, yeah.”
“Lena, Noa’s fiancée.” She smiled brightly, green eyes glowing with earnest warmth, as she offered her hand.
I shook it, eyes jumping to her other hand and the massive rock she toted on it. “Noa’s fiancée. Lucky lady. He came on the ghost tour with us last night. What a sweetheart.”
Her cheeks flushed. “He’s the best. And I’m furious I wasn’t invited. I love a good ghost story.”
“Well, it was my first, so I doubt it was very good, but any time you want to come along, I’ll save a spot for you.”
“I’m going to take you up on it.” Lena set her empty glass on the table. “Diego sent me to introduce myself and let you know he just had to step away for a second. Coach Mack does a pep talk for the players. It rarely takes long, and it gives me a chance to chat with you, one on one.”
“Interview me?” I asked with a grin.
“Impress you. Convince you to be my friend.” She winced. “I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but it’s a real young team. Most of the guys are single and like to mingle, maybe a bit too much.”
“Lots of turnover?”
She laughed. “Oh god. Don’t get me started. Last season, Trent shackled me with a new girlfriend nearly every week. I am taking the reins this season and finding a friend of my own this season.”
“And you chose me? I’m flattered.”