Page 28 of Second Down Fake

“I signed a contract for eight figures out of college, so yes.”

“Well, I have nearly four figures in my savings account, so I know a little something about wealth. Don’t you worry about my business acumen.”

I made a mental note to call James that night and double whatever he’d written into the contract. “I am worried.”

She laughed, shooting a look over at Lonny that had him stumbling over himself to make her another drink. “Don’t be. We’ve got this. We have chemistry.”

Too much chemistry. Enough chemistry that I should be scared shitless at the prospect of spending the season only pretending to date Cassandra. Instead, I only felt excitement.

“So, what’s our next step? What do I need to do? After I call your agent, of course.”

I shrugged. “I’m not sure. Be seen together?”

“Well, that’s doable. I’m very visible.”

“The last pre-season game is this Thursday, but I’ll be back in town for the weekend. What are your plans for Saturday?”

“Saturday?” She winced slightly. “I’ve got a walking tour that evening.”

“Perfect. I’ll tag along,” I offered.

Cassandra drew her fingertip over the edge of her martini glass. “It’s a ghost tour. I’m not sure if that’s really something you’d be into.”

“Honestly, that sounds like a blast.”

“Are you sure?” She crinkled her nose, and I fought back against telling her I’d literally do anything if I got to see her. Competitive eating. Silent films. Full moon journaling.

“Absolutely. Is it your first ghost tour?”

“First in Norwalk. I did a bunch in Boston. I had a few bar stops incorporated into the walk. They were my favorite type of tours. Just silly and sort of unpredictable.”

“Well, I’ve never been on a ghost tour before, so I’m excited to get one by a seasoned pro.” I paused and checked my calendar with a groan. “I actually have something this Saturday.”

“Right.” A brief frown flickered over her face, and she replaced it with a smile. “No big deal. I’m pretty flexible.”

“No, wait. How many people can sign up for the tour?”

“I think this company caps tours at thirty people. Why?”

I typed out a quick text to Noa. “Perfect. I’m buying out the tour.”



I fidgeted on the sidewalk, fingers flitting along the “Norwalk Tours” badge that hung on my neck. The sun set behind the high rises and the streetlights illuminated, casting a dark glow on the people walking down the sidewalk. Well past dinner, passersby hurried into nearby bars and theaters.

I reached for my phone to check the time and my fingers slipped over James Easton’s business card. I pulled it out, inspecting the heavy linen card with fancy script.

Realistically, I should have combed over the contract I signed that afternoon.

But once James had plunked the stack of papers in front of me, my eyes glazed over and everything looked blurry. Rather than get bogged down in minutiae, I read anything big and bold.

Tell anyone about the contract? Lose all my worldly goods. Say I’m only pretending to date Diego? First born gone. Give an interview years after the fact that discloses our relationship? Probably jail.

I signed and initialed all the boxes marked with a cheery yellow sticky note in seconds. Then, I drank free coffee and ate all the cereal bars set out at the conference until enough time had passed that I might have plausibly read the entire contract.

The contract was pointless. I had no intention of doing anything to hurt Diego and no intention of asking for anything he wouldn’t freely give. Hell, I would have done it for the free beer and the experience. Still, the formality of the arrangement made my decision slightly more real.