Page 56 of Caffeine & Chaos

“It’s too coincidental. I need to get on the phone with my people ASAP, and you need to call Detective Aldana back. Let’s find out what the hell is going on here,” Ryan declared.

Nadia listened to the voicemail once more, jotting down the number for the detective, before stepping out onto the porch to make the call. Inside, Ryan had retreated to their room to handle his own phone calls, likely expecting her to report back to him once she had spoken with the police.

“Detective Aldana, MPD,” a stiff voice answered on the second ring.

“Hi detective, this is Nadia Moore. I got a voicemail from you a few minutes ago looking for a call back,” Nadia said, her voice shaky with anxiety.

“Yes, Miss Moore. Have you been to your apartment in the last twenty-four hours?” He asked.

He had the classic deadpan tone to his voice that Nadia had heard a hundred times in movies.

“No, I’ve been out of town. Is everything alright?”

“It appears your apartment has been ransacked. We weren’t sure if there was a struggle, and when the doorman mentioned he hadn’t seen you recently, we grew concerned.”

“What do you mean, ransacked?” Nadia asked, shock flooding through her.

“Drawers have been emptied, furniture turned over, some broken items. Bedsheets were torn apart, that kind of thing.”

“Wait, I, I don’t understand,” Nadia stammered in disbelief, “It’s a secure building, no one comes in without getting through the doorman. How did they get in?”

“We’re still investigating that. The doorman from the previous night hasn’t answered our calls yet, and there are no signs of a break in at your apartment door. Any chance you left it unlocked?” he asked.

“No, I always lock it,” Nadia said, sounding more defensive than was warranted.

“We’re going to need you to come down to the precinct to answer a few more questions, Miss Moore,” the detective stated firmly.

“That’s not possible. I mean, I’m in Montana right now. I need to arrange flights, and...” Nadia trailed off, her voice faltering.

“Make sure you keep records of your travel, Miss Moore. We’ll anticipate seeing you at the precinct within the next 48 hours,” he declared, not waiting for a reply before ending the call.

Nadia knew she could have argued with the detective about returning. After all, she wasn’t under arrest, even though he seemed to be treating her as a suspect. But part of her wanted to go back. She was devastated by the violation of her home. That apartment meant everything to her, and she needed to find out what happened.

Ryan was furiously typing on his phone when Nadia entered the room. He immediately looked up at her with expectant eyes. She relayed the news of the apartment and her urgent need to fly back to Miami as soon as possible for questioning at the precinct.

“That’s bullshit!” Ryan exploded. “You’re not under arrest. You’re the victim here, and that jerk expects you to submit to questioning about this?”

“I know I could refuse, but I don’t see what good that would do, and I need to get this sorted out. That’s my home,” Nadia’s voice broke as she uttered the word.

“You don’t have to go, Nadia. He has no right to make you,” Ryan said, his demeanor softening at the emotion in her voice.

Wasn’t he listening? She wanted to go. She needed to go. And if she were honest with herself, a small part of her felt relieved to have an excuse to leave. Dealing with family tension was one thing when it was her own family, but it was quite another when it involved someone else’s. Especially with that disgusting pig, Justin, in the mix. Plus, she felt completely out of her element with all the ranch business, and to top it all off, there was Melanie.

Shit, Melanie. If she left, she would be leaving Ryan here alone with Melanie.

“Can you come with me?” Nadia asked, her eyes shining near tears.

“Nadia, I... my mom... I need to make sure she gets the medical care she needs. I just need a few more days to arrange everything and visit her, I...” Ryan trailed off; desperation evident in his eyes as he looked at Nadia.

She understood. She had to go, and he had to stay.

“Okay, I’ve got to get my flight arranged,” Nadia said.

“You’re going?” he asked incredulously, then continued, “Never mind. Nadia, this is serious. Someone might be trying to hurt you to get to me. I can’t let you go on your own,” Ryan shook his head and began pacing again.

“Can’t let me go?” Nadia asked, it being her turn to be incredulous. “I am not your property, Ryan. And while I get that you’re a big deal, this sounds like a simple burglary. My apartment might not even be the only one that was hit.”

Nadia stood up, her movements brisk and determined as she started packing her suitcase. She threw items into it with a disgruntled air, her mind swirling with conflicting emotions. She dreaded the thought of leaving Ryan here, possibly to reconnect with the first woman he ever loved, but she would be damned if she was going to wait around twiddling her thumbs while Ryan took care of everything.