Finally, Ryan pressed his stiff shaft into her slick center, and Nadia arched beneath him. Every sound, every sight, every other sense faded into the recesses of her mind. Her world began and ended with his touch. As she clawed at his sides trying to force him all the way into her, he pulled himself out a little, teasing her, before pressing himself inside her again. She squirmed against him and pulled at the flesh on his lower back, begging him to fill her completely.
“Please, please,” Nadia slurred her words as she heaved in breathless urgent gasps. How much longer would leave her in such sweet agony?
“Anything for you,” Ryan rasped, slamming himself inside her all the way to the root. Nadia moaned her satisfaction, biting into the skin of his shoulder as she bucked wildly beneath him; her passion-slick depths engulfing him. Blackness crept into her peripheral vision until all she could see was Ryan; blazing white hot before her. Even as her eyes flittered shut, his gorgeous image remained, burned into her retinas.
Nadia clamped her legs around him and lifted her back to meet each possessive thrust as they found their perfect tempo. Her hands slid along his back, gliding across his sweat slick skin as he ground against her. Time stood still and she thought of nothing but the pleasure of his flesh. Even the timing of their shuddering, ragged gasps created a synchronous rhythm.
As Ryan pushed back onto his heels, angling himself into her sweet spot, a high-pitched scream escaped her throat. Her breath became quick and shallow as his piercing movements pressed against the center of her paradise. She desperately grasped at the sheets; her fingertips trying to find some purchase to pull against. Sensing she was close, Ryan sped up his movements, Nadia clenching around him drawing him as deep into her as possible. She gave up on holding back, surrendering to the frenzied explosion of sensation that was overtaking her. Each thrust brought a dizzying tsunami of feeling and Nadia moaned and quivered beneath him as she came with soul shattering intensity.
As her sex swelled and pulsed around him Ryan grunted loudly. Nadia opened her eyes to see him smirking with satisfaction at the sweet agony conveyed on her face. He had owned her with his skill, and Nadia didn’t care. If this was what being owned by him felt like; she welcomed it.
Ryan’s breathing quickened as he thrust commandingly into her. He gripped her outer thighs and greedily pulled her against him, bringing himself to the tipping point.
“Nadia” He groaned her name through clenched teeth, as she bounced against him, plunging him deeper inside, reveling in their shared pleasure. His exquisite body clenched and shuddered as he exploded, climaxing into her powerfully as Nadia folded her body around him to absorb it.
A moment later, he collapsed over her, his shallow breath hot against her cheek. Nadia drew light circles around his back appreciatively as she caressed him and kissed his neck and shoulder. Returning her tender gesture, he kissed the crook of her neck softly and relaxed himself against her.
Nadia marveled at the experience; sex had never felt like that before. Lost in the intensity of their profound connection, her mind fell silent, and her soul found tranquility.
She would do anything to keep that feeling. She would do anything to keep him.
Nadia jolted awake, still groggy, her mind already mapping out an escape route. As the fog of sleep lifted and she regained her bearings, she let out a quiet laugh. Waking up next to a stranger had become so routine that instinctively, she began planning her exit. Glancing down at Ryan, she noticed his chest rising and falling steadily, his handsome face serene in slumber.
Nadia traced her fingertips over the light stubble on his chin. When he didn’t stir, she pressed a gentle kiss to his forehead and slipped out of bed. The room was bathed in the soft purple-blue hues of early morning, with the sun on the cusp of rising. Glancing back at Ryan, she smiled appreciatively. They had made love repeatedly, for what seemed like hours on end, his stamina never fading.
Made love? Never before had she used those words to describe a sexual encounter. Aside from never uttering those words, she usually cringed when anyone else did as well. Yet she couldn’t reason away her use of the phrase. They had made love last night. Glorious, passionate, intimate love.
She stepped over her now ruined dress and Ryan’s rumpled pants to grab the hotel robe hanging on the hook beside the bathroom. Throwing the robe on, she silently slid the glass patio doors open and stepped out onto the balcony.
The brisk morning air felt invigorating against her skin as she took a leisurely walk along the balcony. She watched the waves crash onto the beach below, noticing a lone wind surfer riding them, skillfully harnessing the strong gusts that carried the cool ocean air inland. She loved Miami.
Nadia’s thoughts wandered back to her former life in New York: the endless parties, the fashion scene, the constant pressure to maintain the facade of contentment. In New York, everyone flaunted their status as if it were a badge of honor. Yet, for Nadia, New York held nothing but memories of her distant, unfeeling mother and the suffocating burden of conforming to the elitist standards of the super wealthy. How could she share a life with Ryan and avoid getting caught up in that world again?
The sheets beside him felt cold against Ryan’s skin as he slowly opened one eye. His hand automatically reached out, searching for Nadia’s warmth on the satin sheets. Propping himself up on one elbow, he scanned the room until he spotted her silhouette on the balcony. Even in a bulky robe, her soft curves were unmistakable.
Stretching lazily, he sighed in contentment. Nadia had been exceptional last night. Making love to her had been the most exhilarating and satisfying sexual experience he’d had in a long time. Potentially ever.
Rolling out of bed onto his stomach, Ryan quickly did ten push-ups, feeling a surge of energy coursing through him. Feeling better than he had in a long time, he leaped to his feet, snatching the other robe from its hook. After draping it over his shoulders, he perched on the edge of the bed, reaching for the hotel telephone to arrange for room service. Upon learning that the kitchen wouldn’t open until six, Ryan placed a pre-order for breakfast and stepped out onto the balcony, eager to join Nadia.
“Beautiful morning, isn’t it?” Nadia said, glancing over her shoulder.
“Is it?” Ryan wrapped himself around Nadia and nuzzled his head into the soft curls at her neck. The familiar light and fruity scent of her shampoo filled his nostrils. “I’ve been too busy appreciating the view immediately in front of me to notice.”
Nadia leaned into him, making a soft cooing noise. “I hope I didn’t wake you when I got up.”
“Your presence was instantly missed.” He planted a kiss on her neck. “I thought you had left when I woke up to find you weren’t in the bed.”
A chuckle escaped her before she spoke, “how could I leave? My dress is a tattered mess on the floor.”
Ryan matched her lighthearted laugh. “All a part of my master plan. I thought you might be a runner.”
Being with her felt effortless to him. The more he learned about her, the more he found himself drawn to her. She was a complex individual, each layer revealing another aspect of her likable personality.