Page 36 of Caffeine & Chaos

“I’m flattered. I don’t know that I’ve ever had a master plan concocted just for me,” Nadia said, twisting in his arms and kissing him softly.

Her lips felt like warm velvet against his, and he drew her closer, savoring the sensation of her gentle kiss as if indulging in a decadent chocolate. She embodied comfort, temptation, and obsession all at once, and he knew he would never be able to let her go.

“I am sure you have been at the center of many-a-man’s plans.” He laced his fingers into hers. “You just hadn’t met a master like me yet.”

“You’re right, I hadn’t.” She smiled affectionately at him. “Lucky for you, huh?”

“Very lucky for me.”

Ryan basked in the warmth radiating from her eyes. He instinctively searched her face for some sign of subterfuge. Had the battle really been won? Somehow, he sensed that she wasn’t finished throwing up barriers yet.

The sound of Ryan’s phone buzzing on the nightstand shattered their blissful moment. Ryan tensed; it was before six AM, and a call this early likely meant trouble. It was probably related to that shit-for-brains Markus Brown.

“You gonna get that?” Nadia nodded towards the nightstand.

“No. Nobody calls with good news before six AM. I’m not ready to face the world of big business yet.” He buried his face in her neck and slipped his hand inside her robe, the feel of her skin hardening him immediately.

His phone buzzed again. Perhaps it was Paula, having caught wind of the impending story about his new relationship. Or maybe it was Markus, embroiled in yet another scandal with a prostitute. With a heavy sigh, he braced himself as the buzzing persisted for a third time.

“Ready or not, I guess I better get that.” He squeezed Nadia’s hand quickly and slid open the balcony door.

There were three missed calls. He didn’t recognize the number, but he recognized the area code. Montana.


Nadia savored a few more breaths of the crisp morning air before trailing after Ryan back inside. The electrifying touch of his fingers beneath her robe had stirred her awake in more ways than one. Her body was already aching for him once more.

She came to an abrupt stop at the sight of Ryan. Something in his demeanor set off alarm bells. The furrowed brow as he stared intently at his phone hinted at more than just annoyance.

“Ryan?” Nadia’s voice was soft as she cautiously approached, taking a seat on the edge of the bed beside him.

He didn’t respond, instead pressing the dial button on his phone and bringing it to his ear. His gaze remained fixed ahead, carrying a haunted look.

After a moment, someone picked up on the other end.

“Justin?” Ryan’s voice emerged in a breathless whisper, his eyes scanning the room as he listened intently to the other end of the line.

“What? When?” The panic in Ryan’s tone mirrored the agony etched across his face.

He sank onto the bed, covering his face with his hand as he absorbed the news in silence. Every line of his body radiated devastation. Nadia instinctively moved to his side, placing a comforting hand on his leg, unsure of what else to do.

As soon as her hand made contact, Ryan surged up from the bed explosively. “Of course I’ll come, how dare you even suggest that I wouldn’t!” he spat into the phone, his strides across the room filled with furious energy. His jaw clenched; his face twisted in anger. “Jesus Christ, Justin, do you really think now is the time to have this argument?” he yelled into his cell.

Nadia instinctively tucked her legs up into her chest as she watched Ryan storm through the room aimlessly. He had gone from complete devastation to raging anger in less than a second. Something horrible was going on and she suddenly felt out of place witnessing it.

Venomous words volleyed back and forth over the line for several agonizing minutes before Ryan’s restless pacing finally ceased. With a deep breath, he visibly forced himself to relax his tense shoulders.

“Where is she?” The calm authority returned to his voice, signalling that his momentary lapse of control had passed.

Nadia released the breath she’d been holding, her mind racing with questions. Who was this mysterious “she” that could send Ryan into a tailspin so quickly?

“I’ll be there by this evening,” Ryan continued, his tone firm. A brief pause followed as he listened to the response on the other end. “No, don’t tell him I’m coming. He’ll try to stop me, and I’m not interested in dealing with him right now.”

Ryan’s hand fell from his ear, and his cell phone slipped from his grasp, tumbling to the floor with a soft thud. Nadia remained frozen in stunned silence, desperately trying to make sense of the unfolding situation. Still clutching her knees tightly to her chest, she glanced at Ryan, his bleary eyes meeting hers.

As the sun fully rose, casting its warm rays into the room, Ryan stood bathed in the light streaming through the window. A lump formed in her throat as she witnessed the profound transformation in him. All the vibrancy and vitality seemed to have drained from his once-beautiful face, leaving behind only a heartbreaking sense of brokenness.

Should she leave? The thought crossed her mind, a flicker of uncertainty clouding her thoughts. She couldn’t help but feel it would be disrespectful to linger, witnessing his vulnerability in this moment. After all, she wouldn’t want anyone to see her in such a raw state.