“Hardee har har, Midas,” Nemo said, elbowing his brother. “How long have you been waiting to use that line?”
“About a week.”
“Okay, girls,” Waters interrupted, “you can joke all you want once our work is done here. All right. We’ll get on this from here. Steel, start looking into Sallum. Once we get a handle on that, you and Nemo will go scout it out. For now, Demon, Nemo, and Midas will work with me to watch over you and Flame.”
“Copy,” each of the men replied before clicking out of the video link.
Flame had been silent the entire time, but now she had questions, most of which she was afraid to ask. “Are you going to tell Kubrick about possibly finding her brother?”
“That’s up to Waters. Most likely, he’ll tell her there’s a lead, but it’s likely he’s been moved by now.”
She nodded. “I think she’d want to know.”
“I’m sure she would, princess. Kubrick is pretty tough. The thought that there’s any bit of progress would make her feel better. I’m sure Waters will share it with her.”
She ran her fingers through his unruly locks up front, trying to smooth them back.
“I have words to finish.”
He grabbed her hand as she slid out of his lap, and he kissed her fingertips. “I’ll be up shortly. If you want me to, that is.”
She smiled. “Silly man. What do you think?” She went upstairs, and he swore her hips were swinging a little wider to the left and right than normal.
He grinned.
They planned to go to the club again tonight. Tonight’s outfit was even hotter. The boots were almost up to the knees, white with zippers up the sides. Her thighs were bare until a pair of white shorts covered her. They weren’t hugging her skin or so short that they were indecent, but if she bent over at the waist, he might have gotten the impression that they showed more than they actually did. The blouse was off the shoulder, a white, sheer overlay painted with bright orange flowers.
His hand reached out for her braid, plaited down the side, and thrown over one shoulder, a bright orange ribbon tied in a bow at the end.
She stood on the bottom stair, waiting for him. Her grin was borderline mischievous. Before he realized it, his hands were around her throat, not grabbing but guiding her face closer to his. Her eyes fluttered closed, and he tried to memorize what this moment felt like.
The doorbell rang.
TB yanked his head back with lightning speed, his head turning straight down the hall to the door. His weapon was drawn, and he was motioning with his hand to head back up the stairs.
“Bathroom. Don’t leave until I come to get you.”
She nodded and flew up the stairs.
Weapon at the ready, TB doused the hall lights and stepped on silent feet toward the front door. A shadow moved across it, almost imperceptibly, but when TB swung the door open wide, no one was there.
Then he looked down at his feet.
“Fuck,” he whispered to himself. He lifted his watch to his mouth. “Call Nerdbrain.”
The ringtone over his watch went once, then he heard the sounds of huffing and puffing. “Can’t talk now, dear. Daddy’s working.”
“Get that bastard, or you’re going back in the locker,” TB threatened.
“Yes, honey, I’ll pick up milk”—Nemo grunted, sounding like he’d had to jump over something—“on my way home. Gotta go!”