It wasn’t unusual for triads to be so opposing, especially if they were committed groupings that completed one another, but it was the woman who was the enigma.
Medusa was dressed in a tight black skirt and a brown lace tank top that cut off and showed a tight midriff with a pierced belly button. Her shoulder-length hair was a mix of browns, blondes, and reds, giving the illusion to different people what her hair color actually was, and the ends curled up in chunks in different directions. He supposed that was part of the nickname because the ends did look a little bit like forked tongues. For TB, the oddity of Medusa was her eyes. They were violet. It was clear they were colored contacts, but there was something odd about them even then.
And there was no mistaking it. All three of them gave off an aura of “Do not fuck with us,” but of the three, he was sure she was the most dangerous of the triad.
She may be dressed like a submissive, but there is nothing submissive about her.
“Flame, this is Medusa. She is the submissive in the triad with Loki and Gilgamesh. They are relatively new to the club as well.”
Medusa looked at Loki with exaggerated emotion, clearly requesting permission to speak.
Loki covered her hand on the table with his other hand, picked it up, and, after threading their fingers together, kissed the back of it. “Medusa, don’t be like that. I only meant I was worried.”
She turned her face from his, the simpering gone. The look on her face now was more natural because she smiled, but TB noticed it was only with her mouth. The eyes were deep and cold. “Flame. It’s nice to meet you.”
He felt Flame stiffen as she also recognized the lack of connection in the woman’s gaze.
“You, also.”
To break the tension, TB felt Gilgamesh redirect the conversation. “I don’t believe I’ve met your partner before, Lobo.” Gilgamesh stood and held out his hand. “It’s nice to meet you.” Gilgamesh smiled, raising her knuckles to his lips, where he pressed a kiss.
“Gil, back down,” Loki ordered. “My apologies, Lobo. Apparently, his inner Lothario is out tonight.”
“Mi scuso se ti ho offeso,” Gilgamesh apologized.
“None taken. May we join you?”
Loki nodded, and TB gestured for Flame to slide into the booth on Loki’s side. While he knew the three were a committed triad based on their play at the club, he wasn’t one hundred percent sure Gilgamesh wouldn’t continue to work his Italian charm on her despite the fact he’d never strayed since they’d arrived as members.
Gilgamesh was the one to cut right to the point. “It would seem the lone wolf has finally been tamed.” His head gestured from her collar to the cuffs on Lobo’s wrist, but his grin was all for Flame.
Lobo smiled. “It would appear so, wouldn’t it? Sometimes, I wonder if it wasn’t just that I couldn’t bear for anyone else to have their hands on her.”
It was a subtle warning, but it only made Gilgamesh’s grin wider, and a laugh issued from his smiling lips. “A sure sign of a man who hasn’t quite realized the prize he has.”
Loki injected, “It’s been some time since you’ve been here, Lobo. Thought you’d disappeared for good; you were gone for so long. Is this beautiful woman the reason why?” His eyes flicked over to Medusa quickly.
Odd. He clearly saw me the night I was here with Flame and the five nights after that.
Attention directed at Loki, he led in with a warning, “She definitely is a beautiful distraction. By the way, not that you aren’t already, but be on your guard. A girl disappeared from the parking lot last night.”
“Yes,” Loki replied. “I heard about Fleur and Tripoli. Gil, Medusa, and I will be… watchful.”
Interesting word choice.
Loki and Gilgamesh shared a look. Between the two of them and the coldness of Medusa, his skin was itching.
Something’s off.
“I didn’t know Fleur since this is only my second time here. Did you know her?” Flame asked Medusa.
The young woman nodded. “Yes, I did. She didn’t strike me as someone who couldn’t take care of herself, though. I would have thought she would have been difficult to coerce into a vehicle or even to take by surprise. Even so, I’m surprised the doorman allowed her out into the parking lot by herself.”
“That does seem odd. I would have thought this Tripoli would have been more careful with his sub.”
Good girl. Casting aspersions on his character quickly to start the gossip.
“Flame,” TB warned.