“I should warn you,” he told her, looking into her eyes. “No one has ever worn my collar before. I’ve never indulged in a contract of any length, let alone anything that qualifies as a relationship. People there will know that. It’s bound to raise eyebrows. I may get some awkward questions, possibly right in front of you. I will be respectful in my answers, but probably heavy-handed alpha, just so you know.”
“And if I’m asked questions, how do you want me to answer them?”
“Stick as close to the truth as possible. Less chance of tripping up that way. Give no more information than what’s asked. If you’re not sure how to answer them, just flash me a look. I’ll answer it.” He let go of the charm. “I need your help as well. Let your author’s curiosity go to work. Ask questions. You can even gossip about the girls. Word will have gotten out, so people will be talking. But gossiping is?—”
“Inappropriate submissive behavior, I know.”
“It’s going to require me to correct you. Publicly. If we have to delve too deep, I’ll have to take you somewhere private where it’s assumed I’ll be doing more stringent correction.”
“So I’ll be asking questions you can’t and purposefully getting in trouble as a cover. And, between the atypical clothing, being there with you, and then being publicly taken away, you’re hoping to draw out my stalker.”
He nodded. “Yes, that’s the plan.”
Once at The Library, he checked them in, turning over his phone. It was a dummy phone, but they didn’t need to know that. His watch had his actual phone in it.
Turning to Flame, he held out his hand. He saw her puzzled expression. “Phone. You can’t have it inside the club due to privacy rules. It will be safe in my lockbox.”
“Oh. Umm… I didn’t bring it with me,” she told him.
His eyebrows raised in disbelief. “You don’t have your new phone with you?”
She shook her head.
“What if there’s an emergency?”
“I’m with you. Why would I need it? You’re better than a phone in an emergency.”
He rolled his eyes.
“You know you do that a lot? One day, they’re going to roll right out of your head.”
He sighed loudly.
“Oh, don’t act so put upon.”
“Flame. Go nowhere without your phone. Ever. Especially with your friend looking for you.”
After signing them in, he guided Flame over to the bar. He ordered her a glass of wine and himself a water. His stomach was rolling. He couldn’t tell if it was because her stalker was here, or if he was nervous about tonight’s questioning, or if because they’d been here less than five minutes and he already had a list of men to throat-punch for looking at his Flame.
When their drinks came, she took a sip of her wine while she looked around. Then she looked up at him, clearly concerned, as she was biting her lip.
He used his index finger to tap her lips lightly, reminding her to stop hurting herself. “What’s wrong?”
“Why would something be wrong?”
“You always bite the left side of your lip when you’re agitated. What’s wrong?”
She raised a hand to her lips as if she could stop herself from doing it ever again by touching them. “Umm… I told you a fib earlier.”
“And what would that be, naughty girl?”
“I do actually have my phone. I know they’re not allowed inside, but I didn’t want to give it up since, as you pointed out, my friend is looking for me.”