“It doesn’t. I know it’s not healthy, but to be honest, sleep and I have an odd relationship anyway.” She was picking at an imaginary thread on her wrist cuff.
Evasion. File that away, along with the “odd relationship” comment.
The ride into Tribe was quiet. He knew she wasn’t thrilled about being pulled out of her home to spend the day at his workplace, but she didn’t complain. Meeting as a large group at her house would draw more attention than they wanted, so they needed to meet somewhere it wouldn’t, which was the office.
He dropped off her computer bag in his office and then escorted her to the conference room. Cherry already had coffee and a continental breakfast in the room, so he got her settled in his regular seat, which put her next to Midas.
“Good morning, Rapunzel!” Nemo greeted. “Since your fire-breathing dragon isn’t going to ask, what can I get you to eat and drink?”
She shook her head. “I’m not hungry,” she told him.
TB lowered his register when he spoke. “Flame, all you had to eat last night was ice cream, and you didn’t eat this morning before we got here. You need to eat something. So, either pick something to eat and drink, or I will, and you will eat every bite of it whether you like it or not.”
She looked up at TB. “Dom voice, much?”
He leaned closer to her and whispered, “You’re going to get more than the voice if you keep this up. And I won’t wait until I get you home.”
He watched her eyes flick over his expression, almost like she was considering being a brat on purpose. Instead, she rolled her eyes. “Danish, please.”
“I know you don’t want coffee. Do you want Cherry to make you some tea? I saw that at the house.”
Before she could say not to bother, Cherry interjected, “I’m already making some for myself. I’ll get you a cup.”
She frowned at him.
“She really does make some every day,” he reassured her.
TB went over to the side table. He gave Nemo a shove. “I’ll get her food, Nutjob.”
Midas sidled up next to him. “Cherry picked up the raspberry ones for her special,” he whispered.
TB looked at him with a scowl.
“It’s on her Facebook page. I finished her book already, and I was bored.” Midas shoved a doughnut in his mouth and walked back to his seat.
TB wrinkled his face in distaste. There was way too much there to unpack. He shook his head and put a raspberry danish on a plate, put some breakfast fruit salad in a cup, grabbed a fork and some napkins, and then took them over to her at her seat.
Midas was already at his spot at the head of the conference room table, teasing her about something, and he had a book between them that she was writing in.
“What the hell?” TB asked.
Midas smirked. “Just getting her autograph.”
“I thought you were already dating Alexa?” he asked.
“Nope. Siri. Alexa is our love child.” Midas winked at Sylvan. “Thanks, Flame. I’m gonna try out pages one hundred thirty-four through one hundred forty-seven sometime.”
“Oh, good grief,” TB muttered as he went back to the food. Once he got there, he turned back, flashing a look between the two laughing faces. “What’s on page one hundred thirty-four through one hundred forty-seven?” he asked suspiciously.
Nemo hopped into the seat on her other side with his own book. “Oh, no, Total Bookworm. You’ll have to learn to read first. Then you can read it and find out for yourself.” He winked and gave two clicks of his tongue. “Totally worth it, buddy.” His attention went completely to Flame. “Good morning, again, Rapunzel. Will you sign mine as well?”
TB watched her smile and turn to the title page. Then he looked around the table. “Am I the only one concerned about this?”
Waters just smirked and tried to hide it behind taking a sip of his coffee.
TB narrowed his eyes at him.
“What?” Waters shrugged. “Page one hundred thirty-four through one hundred forty-seven is fuckin’ hot. You should try it. Worked for me.” The last sentence was muttered into his coffee.