“Shush it, Kai!” Sylvan hissed, then grabbed the phone and took it off speaker. She looked toward the door of her sanctuary, but she didn’t see him, or his shadow, or hear him moving below. “I didn’t… we didn’t…”
“You went to a sex club, and you didn’t fuck him? How is that even possible?”
She kept her eyes on the doorway and tried to keep one ear tuned to the floor below.
“It was the first time I’d been there. He said it wasn’t usual for that to happen with a new member right away.”
“Okay, so no sex, but obviously sexual stuff. Are you going to go again?”
“I don’t think I’m going to be let out of the house anytime soon, given the circumstances.”
“Hmmmm. Maybe you’ll get your freak on there while he’s staying with you.”
“Reindeer on the roof, woman!”
Kai began laughing on the other end of the line. “Never start swearing. The stuff you come up with is frickin’ hysterical.”
“I don’t need to swear. I’m friends with you. You swear enough for both of us.”
“I beg your pardon?” Kai questioned indignantly.
“She’s not wrong.” Sylvan heard the mumbling of Kai’s new boyfriend, along with plastic crinkling. “You sent me on a wild goose chase, so you’re stuck with Little Debbies.”
Kai snorted. “I’m sure you’ll get your revenge.” There was more crinkling, some crunching, and then around a mouthful of food, Sylvan heard, “So, back to the freaky monkey sex.”
Sylvan interrupted, “Kai, I sincerely doubt there’ll be any ‘freak on,’ let alone ‘monkey sex,’ here or anywhere else. Besides, what would I say? Please, TB. You were so hawt; I want you to tie me up, spank me, and sex me up like a stripper on the glitter and shame pole?”
“Ugh,” came the background voice. “And I’m outta here again. I’ll just go get the whole box of Little Debbies. I think we’re going to need them.”
Kai was howling with laughter. “I dare you,” she forced around the wafer, chocolate, and peanut butter. “I so dare you. I double-dog dare you! I triple-dog dare you!”
“Oh, great gravy, you are the worst. I would never do that, and you know it. Just saying it to you was creepy. Especially since Waters overheard.”
Kai’s laughter subsided. “Well, you are an author, and you were already talking to TB for background material. Just tell him since you’re stuck together, you two might as well do more ‘research’ for your book.”
Well. Why didn’t I think of that?
Sylvan shook her head to clear the madness taking place in her brain. “I doubt he’d believe me when I ask for a sort of ‘research with benefits’ kind of thing.”
Kai was hesitant with her response. “He might.”
Sylvan sat up straight. “Why? What do you know?”
“It’s nothing I know. It’s just that Waters said TB seemed very insistent that it had to be him guarding you and not Nemo, the resident horndog.”
A low murmur came over the background again, and she had a feeling she was about to be saved from the conversation.
For now.
“I’ve gotta go,” Kai told her. “I’m being bribed with chocolate to get off the phone and go to bed.”
“Eww. TMI. Go play with your blond assassin. Have fun.”
Sylvan hung up the phone with a soft laugh and shook her head at her friend. She stood and stretched, placing the phone on her desk. No sooner had she set the phone down and it began ringing again. Without looking at the screen, she swiped the green button to take the call.
“Kai, I don’t want to be a part of a triad with you, even if it’s just verbal. If you’re calling me to?—”
A male voice interrupted her. “I won’t share you.”