“God won’t let me bring girls back to this fortress of solitude, so if I choose to sleep elsewhere, that’s my issue, not yours. Mom!” He pushed.
“Picking up an accountant from a car dealership, then going back to the lot to test drive the backseats of numerous new cars is not sleeping.”
TB looked at Midas. “That’s a new one.” Switching mental gears, he smacked Nemo up the backside of the head. “Be respectful to your mother.”
Midas smacked him as well. “Listen to your father.”
“Look, I like the challenge; I can’t help it. You’re all so frickin’ normal in your sex.” He glanced at TB. “Well, I guess you’re not. You need to tie people up, and that is definitely not normal.”
“I don’t need to,” TB told him. “It’s a kink, not a fetish, you narrow-minded toad.”
“Call it whatever you want, Mothra.”
Midas lectured his twin. “The real point here is that God’s told you not to sleep with all these different women who can identify you, but you just keep on doin’ it.”
“No worries on the identification.” Nemo padded his cargo pocket. “Double wrapping prevents DNA accidents.”
“Eww. Do you take it with you when you leave?”
“Hell, yes. I just find the nearest dumpster after I’m at least a mile away.”
“What the…? Who the hell taught you that? I know it wasn’t me, and it sure as hell wasn’t Mom.”
“Definitely wasn’t our sperm donor,” Nemo muttered. “Nah. Came up with that on my own.”
“We’re dead. Your DNA doesn’t exist in any system worldwide. What a fuckwitch.”
“Yes, but no point letting it slip back into the system somewhere, somehow, now is there?” Nemo reasoned.
“Speaking of fuckwitches,” TB interrupted the brothers, or they’d snipe at each other for hours, “any idea what this favor is for Kubrick?”
Midas had a terrible hero worship of Waters’ woman, Kubrick, and her language skills. He still hadn’t erased the whiteboard tally of her creative swear words, and TB doubted he ever would. If anyone knew what was going on, her evil minion would know.
“Not a clue,” Midas admitted. “Waters called, said she needed a favor, here we are.”
“And I needed a ride from Carlsbad before the dealership opened, and Cynthia had to go to work, so it worked out perfectly.”
TB looked at Midas, stunned. “You drove ninety minutes to pick this loser up?”
“And back,” Midas confirmed.
Now it was Midas’ turn to get whacked in the back of the head.
After flipping TB off, Midas looked at Nemo with confusion. “I thought her name was Cicely?”
Nemo cracked his gum. “Cynthia, Cicely, Ci-something.”
The elevator door opened into Tribe’s lobby. TB rolled his eyes. “You are such a whore.”
Pointing his finger at him, Nemo informed him, “I do not charge! But I probably should.”
Cherry, their handler, was standing there waiting for them. “Perfect timing. You have your physical after this meeting, plus a blood and urine test.”
“Bet Demon’s excited about that,” TB muttered with a look at Cherry.
“So very excited,” she agreed. “I believe he requested a hazmat suit from God after the last one. Said he was worried he’d catch something just from looking at him.”
“Hey!” Nemo yelled. “That’s not nice.”