Page 121 of Bad Enough

TB looked at Waters. The blond in the driver seat mouthed, “Meow,” then went back to focusing on negotiating the sharp turn into the narrow alley.

Hmm. Apparently, that little cat burglar was still living rent-free in Nemo’s headspace after their run-in four years ago.

Looking out the window, TB saw that Steel, Loki, and Gilgamesh were parked with them nose-to-nose on either end of the Escalade. No one would be getting out this way.

When the vehicle came to a halt, everyone checked their weapons one last time. TB could feel anger burning inside of him. Anger that was so hot it was cold fire licking at every one of his veins. He knew he needed to harness that anger, but he honestly wasn’t sure how to do it. Never in his life had he felt a strong emotion during a project—not even when he’d rescued his team leader from captivity.

“Waters,” TB started. He inhaled, then exhaled. “Nemo needs to lead. I can’t?—”

“Not a problem. I anticipated that. When we get inside, focus on getting to Flame. That’s your whole job. We’ve got everything else.”


“But nothing, Total Beanstalk,” Nemo cut in. “I’ve got you. I’ve got you both. Just get your girl and be done with it.”

TB swallowed hard. He needed to have a conversation with Nemo when this was all over. He was an absolute asshole to this guy on a regular basis, and Nemo could totally leave him stranded over this, but he wasn’t going to. Hadn’t once the entire time he’d been watching over the two of them.


Another smack to the back of the head was paired with, “Don’t.” TB looked over his shoulder. Bright blue eyes stared back at him. “Dude. I know.”

There was a double clap down on his shoulder from the back seat and then Nemo was out the door and ready to breach the back entrance on Waters’ signal.

TB remained frozen in his seat a few moments longer, watching Waters talk with Steel, Loki, and Gilgamesh, when another voice came from the back seat.

“Nemo’s not nearly as shallow as everyone thinks he is.”

“Yeah, I’m beginning to realize that.”

“Good,” Demon grunted. “The persona he projects is not who he is. Because that man would die to protect any one of us or, by extension, someone we love. Especially you. Don’t take that for granted.” With that, the medic exited the truck.

TB inhaled deeply, then exhaled, finally exiting the truck himself.

I’m coming, little Flame. Just hold on.




My feet are killing me.

She snorted at the stupid thought her brain wanted to complain about. She had much more serious issues than sore feet. Had someone told her she was going to be kidnapped today, she would have worn flats. But no. Her vain self chose high-heeled boots to distract TB with, so now, if she took them off, her toes wouldn’t even reach the floor. She was stuck.

A slightly hysterical giggle escaped at the thought, but she managed to smother it quickly.

“Gotta keep it together. TB is coming,” she reminded herself. She refused to accept any other option.

There had been a long period of time with no buzzers for a while. So when the noise suddenly sounded directly next to her, she jumped.

That’s Medusa’s box! Will he look inside before he moves it? He didn’t seem to check earlier for whichever box she switched into, so maybe he won’t notice. Oh, freakazoid! Hurry, TB, hurry!

She looked up at her timer. Just under fifteen minutes.

Suddenly, someone pounded three times on the door of her box. She yelped in fright.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk, no need to shout, Jolie.”