Page 86 of Bad Enough

“Well, there are a couple of reasons. Number one, the build on this guy is pretty small.”

“Trust Nemo to be looking at measurements. He’s probably more accurate than Midas’ fancy program. We tested him not too long ago. Had him look at an issue of Hustler. He got every one of them right. That man is a menace.”

“Glad I missed that.”

TB chuckled. “Purposely didn’t invite you. We figured Kubrick would gouge out your eyes, hand us our asses, then burn down Tribe.”

“No shit. Either that or she would have joined in on the bet.”

“What’s number two?”

“Number two, Nemo pointed out that while there are a couple of guys in her social media following, they don’t fit the profile. Several of them have solid alibis for Identity, the LGBTQ+ club.”

“Going to a club known for its homosexual clientele doesn’t necessarily mean someone’s gay. Hell, I’ve been there.”

Waters cleared his throat. “Yeah, I’m not touching that one.”

TB sat up straight in his seat. “Would it matter if I were gay?”

“You wouldn’t be the first guy I know to walk both sides of the street. And no, it wouldn’t matter. Anyhow, while the sites have a few male followers, ninety-nine percent of the members are female.”

“Also means nothing. Anyone can be anyone on the internet.”

“Yes, we did think of that. Midas has got everyone going through her followers’ profiles, lateral reading, and hacking into accounts and back channeling to see if there are any potential candidates. So far, nothing, but there are thousands of them, and it’s taking a hot minute to go through them. More than a few women setting themselves up as people they aren’t, and a few who are authors with pen names, but none of them are tripping any triggers as stalkers. And, of course, Kubrick is on there, under a fake name, as well as Cherry and Tabitha.”

“Makes sense. Flame said that’s how she connected with Tabitha in the first place.” TB considered Nemo's points. “He’s not wrong in his ideas, but I still think our stalker’s a male.”

“That’s our general leaning, too, but Nemo just didn’t want us to overlook options. Plus, he can be incredibly astute at times.”

“Like we need more work with this.”

Waters paused. “I need to ask you to do something you’re not going to want to do.”

“You want me to go to the club tonight. With Flame.”

“Sorry. I know you wanted time alone, but I literally don’t think we have time with Fleur’s disappearance. Like you said, Flame can ask questions openly that you can’t, and no one would probably think twice about it.”

“Normally, a Dom would discipline her for doing that. Prying. It’s not respectful.”

There was a pause again. “You’re the one who suggested this line of investigation. Why the flip-flop?”

There was silence as the two men stared at one another over the screen.

Waters sighed and shook his head. “I know you don’t want to hurt her. So don’t. Dude, we all know you’re gone for her, so why are you denying yourself this?”

TB rolled his eyes. “I can’t.”

“Micah. Listen to me, and listen well. Do not do what I did. Because when it gets fucked up, and it will if you proceed this way, you’re going to be miserable. You’re going to feel like the world could implode, and you’d be happy for it to happen because you need her so badly. Like if she’s not there, you can’t breathe. When Kubrick and I were separated, it physically hurt to the point I was wishing I’d died in Cairo and never met her. I was willing to do anything, and I mean anything, for a second chance, but my pride wouldn’t allow me to go find her. Remove your head from your ass right now. Follow the plan. But be real with her. Make use of the club as a couple. Enjoy yourself. Just… please don’t tell me about it afterward.”

“She’s going to feel like I’ve lied to her. She’ll never believe I really feel anything for her once she realizes why we’re going to the club.”

“Look, I’m not going to claim I’m an expert on women. But I do know this much—tell her the truth. Go do it now. She might get angry, but she’ll get over it. She’ll want to help, especially after what she learned in the meeting yesterday. I’m telling you straight. Do not fuck this up for yourself.”

TB sighed. “I’ll think about it.”

“As a famous green little alien once said… ‘There is no try.’”

“That’s not the quote. You need a session with Nemo.”