Sorry, I didn’t realize that one of these people you claimed could help me had recently blindfolded me, tied me up, and caused me to orgasm so hard that I basically launched into space.
Instead, Sylvan reverted to her usual apologetic self, hoping that would make this whole situation disappear. “I’m sorry, Kai. I don’t mean to be a bother to you.”
The indignation of her friend was overrun by a deep voice rumbling from the doorway. “Maybe instead of worrying about being a problem for others, you should be more concerned with who’s being a problem for you, little Flame.”
She closed her eyes as a shiver and a wave of nausea swept over her at that voice.
How the hell does someone get turned on and sick to their stomach at the same time? Only me.
“TB, what-the-ever-fuck is wrong with you?” Kai hissed, her focus temporarily diverted. “Why is my best friend passing out at the sight of you? And what’s this ‘little Flame’ hipposhit?”
Without looking at the woman, Sylvan could feel Kai’s eyes bouncing back and forth between the two of them, and the tone of voice suggested she was pissed and suspicious all at once.
This is going to be more embarrassing than waking up to the doctor guy again.
“Kai, you know I love you, but could you please stop shrieking?” Sylvan begged, her hand over her eyes. “My head is killing me, I don’t feel well, and I’ve had way too many shocks today.”
“I am not shrieking,” Kai emphasized each word on its own. “You have yet to hear shrieking, although that may be coming.”
“Kubrick, Demon. I need to talk to Flame. Alone,” TB added.
Please, someone say no!
Demon spoke up. “Can you open your eyes for me, sweet colleen?” His hand brushed her forehead. Sylvan opened her eyes and looked at the handsome surfer-doctor whatever he was. “I want you to stay lying down for a bit yet. Don’t move until you feel strong enough to support yourself. Do not, under any circumstances, allow anyone to bully you into doing otherwise.” He looked pointedly at the two other people in the room. “There’s bottled water and a chocolate bar on the table. Both will help with recovery. You cannot leave this room until both are gone.” Demon stood, picked up his gear, and looked pointedly at TB. “If she gets lightheaded again, prop her feet up a little higher. More water couldn’t hurt. If she’s cold, there’s an extra blanket.” Then he was gone, his flip-flop slaps echoing down the hallway.
She closed her eyes again, her hand still covering them.
“Syl, are you sure you don’t want me to stay?” Sylvan actually heard Kai’s body vibrating through her voice. Whether it was out of concern or curiosity, she had no idea. Probably both.
“I’m fine, Kai.”
Sylvan could hear the glare on her friend’s face as she rounded on TB. “I don’t know what’s going on here or how you know my friend, but I want answers. She’s too weak right now, and I refuse to bully her after all she’s been through, so get ready, Total Asswad, because I’m coming for you later.” Sylvan registered her friend’s tone change completely when it turned to her on the couch, that sisterly-bestie thing coming on again. “I’m just down the hall if you need me, hun.”
Without lowering the shield she had created with her hand or opening her eyes, Sylvan waved goodbye to Kai. The light hurt her eyes even when closed, but looking at him would hurt much, much worse, so the hand over the closed eyelids served as double protection.
No words were exchanged, but Sylvan heard her friend purposely shoulder-jack the giant man in the doorway. He said nothing in response. All she could hear was the hum of an appliance and the soft whirring of the air conditioning as it came through the vent.
Gradually, the brightness of the lounge they’d taken her to dimmed. When she peeked beneath her fingers it was to find that TB had dimmed the lights and then turned the blinds downward so that the bright sunlight from outside was mostly blocked. He stood over by the window, staring out through a gap in the blinds, shrouded in partial shadows, saying nothing.
She licked her lips. “Which name is the correct one? TB or Lobo?”
“Lobo is my club name. TB is my nickname.”
“And what does TB stand for?”
“Total Bastard.”
She blinked. “What’s your real name?”
“I don’t have one.”
Her hand tilted up, and she looked at him with one opened eye. “Excuse me?”
“The only name I know anymore is TB.” He shrugged. “I’m selfish, cruel, often sadistic, impatient, vulgar?—”
A pain hit Sylvan behind her right eye, and she winced, rubbing her forehead above the orb. “I get it, I get it. You’re a total… you know.”
Gently swinging her legs over the edge of the couch she lay upon, she sat up gingerly. She reached for the water bottle, cracked open the cap, and after a small swallow of water, she straightened her spine. Exhaling, she asked the question she didn’t want to ask. “What do I say when people ask how we know each other?”