Moving behind her, he bent over her body, his chest to her back, nestling his groin against her backside so that she could feel his rock-hard cock against her. The fingers that had been teasing her clit snuck around her right hip. His thumb unerringly found the pearl, and two fingers plunged into her pussy, pumping inside her walls.
She screamed and bucked against his chest, but his sheer height and width kept her pinned in place.
She felt her body begin to tremble. Without stopping his strokes, his other hand swept her hair to hang over the shoulder closest to the couch back. Then he slid his palm around her throat, placing pressure, but not dangerously so. Just enough to restrict airflow, not cut it off.
His mouth latched onto the skin just to the left of her spine where her neck and shoulder met. The circles on her clit stopped, and instead, he placed pressure against it while he filled her with a third finger. He pushed them inside as far as he could, dragging them across her walls. She began keening in the back of her throat. Between the pressure on her clit, G-spot, and throat, she was ready to explode for him.
His mouth let go of her skin, a slight stinging radiating from the spot. He groaned. “Your cunt feels like it’s on fire. Let go, little Flame. Burn me.”
As the first convulsion began, he used powerful strokes inside and outside her sex, and he eased up all the pressure on her throat, although he left it there as a support. She screamed, and her passage flooded. His fingers pumped in and out, and her release began to squirt in force from her.
Her orgasm seemed to go on forever. When her screams eased down to gasps and she went totally limp, it felt as if her body slid into a liquid pool of bliss. She was so tired, she couldn’t do anything but exist. Her eyes remained closed, and her body relied upon her cheek on the pillow, her hips over the arm of the chaise lounge, and her feet on the floor to hold her up. Nothing mattered except just being.
Abstractly, her brain registered as he gently slid his fingers from inside her and took his other hand from around her throat. From a long way away, she heard him whisper in her ear, “I’ll be right back. Don’t move.”
Couldn’t move if I wanted to.
Minutes later, or maybe it was hours, she felt his presence next to her, but she was still too tired to do anything about it. There were sounds around her that she had no clue what they were, and she didn’t care anyway. There was a soft, warm sensation smoothing along her skin between her legs. This was followed by the repetition of a cool sensation on her forehead and across her face. Inwardly, she was smiling, but it took way too much energy to make her facial muscles move into the actual position on the outside.
More cool sensations followed. Her arms. Her back. Her center. Her legs.
Her brain wanted to fight and swim up to consciousness, but she was far too comfortable to actually do it, so she remained as she was. She felt weight on her hands, then nothingness. Something held her wrists, a gentle rubbing of the flesh causing circulation to burn sweetly in her veins. She hadn’t been in pain, so this was more like a low-heat burn moving through her, tingling sweetly, and spreading throughout her body. As that sensation soothed her, warm hands settled on her shoulders, massaging lightly. The darkness lightened as well, but she refused to open her eyes. Something told her that if she opened them, the pleasant thrumming in her veins might go away.
A deep voice coaxed, “Come on, princess, time to stand up.”
She whimpered, her head turning on the pillow as she began the slow climb back to reality. The person behind the voice reached to stand her up like a doll, draped something around her shoulders and back, and then scooped her up into his arms. Her eyelids fluttered open, then back closed, as her rescuer moved them sitting elsewhere in the room, her body gathered against a wall of muscle.
Rescuer? What do I need rescuing from?
Her body began to rise closer and closer to the surface of lucidity. An arm held her tight from underneath while a second tucked a blanket around her. If she had wanted to have any say in what was going on, she wouldn’t have been able to. Her breath evened out to slow and soft, feathering across his neck as he tucked her under his chin. She felt him brush his chin up and down the top of her head.
“It’s been six days, and he hasn’t come online? Hasn’t texted you? Hasn’t called you?”
Sylvan stared out the window of her sanctuary, barely registering her friend’s voice over the phone.
“No, he hasn’t. I’ve gone online each night, I’ve waited the prescribed amount of time, and he hasn’t shown up.”
“You didn’t text him or call him either?”
“I thought about texting, but I’ve never initiated that before. Besides that, he left without saying goodbye. I’d say that’s pretty conclusive he doesn’t want to speak to me again.” She’d really wanted to, though. “I assume he had to leave for work again. That’s usually why that happens. Look, Tabitha, it’s not a big deal. You hooked us up for research, and I’m forever grateful. The scene was a bonus. I went, I got to experience it, and he was great. But I’m not exactly the kind of woman he’s going to play with on a regular basis. I’m just a tad vanilla,” she said with sarcasm.
“Vanilla is not the issue, and stop calling yourself that. I hate that term. I happen to love vanilla.”
Sylvan snorted. “I’m not talking about the oil being poured all over your body and then licked out of your belly button.”
“Neither was I. Although, it does sound good right about now.” The clicking heels stopped, and an icy pause occurred before Tabitha’s suspicious tone came over the line. “Did he do that with you?”
That brought a genuine laugh to Sylvan. “You almost sound jealous. No, he didn’t. And even if he had, I wouldn’t tell you. I don’t think I’m supposed to share that information. Doesn’t that violate some sort of club or BDSM code?”
The heels began clicking again. “Nope, nothing in our rules about that. Your experience to share as you two agreed upon,” she answered a bit grumpily.
“Well, we never discussed it, so I’m putting that on the ‘Do Not Share’ list. And none of this matters, anyway, since it wasn’t a date. It was research.” It physically hurt to say that. She actually felt a sharp pain where her heart was and a lurch in her stomach.