“Thank you, Tabitha.” TB opened the door wider, and Tabitha waited for Flame to make the choice to enter the room. Neither she nor TB would urge her to do so or give her an out. The choice was hers, as all choices ultimately would be.
He watched the indecision cross her face. Her lungs filled with air, then she expelled it with a small shudder, and she stepped over the threshold. Once she was clear of the door, TB nodded at Tabitha as he closed it gently yet firmly.
Flame stayed rooted to the spot, eyes to the floor, clearly remembering his online lessons.
TB observed her from behind. She was incredibly tiny. She stood about five feet, over a foot and a half shorter than him, but she was wearing what appeared to be five-inch heels. Her long braid’s tail was tied off with a cream-colored ribbon that matched her outfit. She looked virginal and angelic.
He walked around her so they were facing each other. “Hello, Flame.”
“Hello, Master Lobo.”
Wow. Her voice is like music.
His inner grouch smacked him in the back of the head.
Like music? Seriously? Just because you’ve decided you’re not going to be an asshole doesn’t mean you have to turn into a pussy.
“I don’t require an honorific. You can simply call me Lobo.”
Her eyes were still downcast.
“Look at me, Flame.”
She raised her eyes to his.
“I prefer to see your eyes. They help me to know what you’re thinking and feeling.”
She smiled shyly. “I much prefer looking at you. You’re handsome, even if you scare me a little. That’s not right. I’m not afraid of you. Your stare is… intense. Dangerous. Every woman secretly loves a bad boy, even if it’s just to look at. Despite the bad boy look, you still make me feel safe.”
She stopped abruptly.
Reading her expression and her body language, he realized she’d said something she hadn’t meant to. One of those baby snakes of unease skittered into his brain.
Safe? Interesting word choice.
“I’m sorry, I’m babbling. I don’t even know what I’m saying. This is all a little… overwhelming, even though I want to be here.”
“There’s no need to apologize. A little nervousness is to be expected. Normal, even.” As difficult as it was, he moved away from her to sit in the single-seat chair. “Come to me, Flame.”
She stepped shakily in his direction but without pause.
When she reached his knees, he spread his legs wide and tapped the top of his right thigh. “Sit, princess.”
She sat gingerly, and he tagged her around the waist and slid her up his thigh further to also be touching his torso. Her body was literally vibrating.
She looked at him, her eyes wide with anticipation but also with naked attraction to him. He had to admit to himself he had the same feelings. It felt good to finally have his hands on her. It felt right.
“Before we begin, we need to discuss a few things.”
“First, you already know I’ve been vetted extensively by the club. That means not only have I had a thorough background check, I’ve had no complaints from club members, which is what allows me to remain here as a member.”
Okay, so my background check was “created” by Midas, but I’m no threat to her.
“Second, safe words. We’ll use the traffic lights. Periodically, I will ask you for your color. Green means ‘continue.’ You should never need to use that one, as I should be able to tell if you are enjoying something or are comfortable. Yellow means ‘slow down.’ At that point, we take a break. We talk about what’s making you uncomfortable. We determine whether to continue or adjust. Red means ‘stop now.’ Whatever we’re doing is so far out of your comfort zone that we stop the scene immediately, and we do not return to it.
“Normally, I shouldn’t need to ask your colors because I’ll be paying very close attention to your reactions. But because you are new to this, and we’ve not scened in person, I will ask occasionally so that you get into the routine. Do you understand the system?”