Page 136 of Bad Enough

He hissed, and his back arched slightly off of the mattress. “Fuck, Sylvan. Again.”

“What do you say, Micah?”

“Please,” he gritted out through his teeth.

“Very well done. I guess I have to reward you for that.”

She crossed over to the other nipple and repeated the process. But before she bit and tugged this time, she whispered, “We can’t have this nipple feeling neglected, now can we?”

His groan at the pulling from her mouth was part laugh. “You’re enjoying using my words and tactics against me way too much. Use this opportunity wisely, young lady. You will never get it again.”

“Mmmmmm,” she hummed as her tongue licked a path back up to his throat, where she latched on like a nursing kitten. “Never say never,” she mumbled against his skin, then went back to sucking lightly at the spot.

Sylvan wiggled her way back along Micah’s torso until she felt the gentle nudge of the tip of his cock against her ass. She felt a slight wetness against her skin from him, and she smiled to herself.

Get ready, my lovely giant. I’m going to rock your world.

He was hissing slightly again, so she looked up at him from her sprawled position. She placed a well-manicured finger against his lips. “One more sound out of you, young man, and I’ll stop what I’m about to do.”

She knew he couldn’t see her face, but it amused her to imagine what he’d picture in his own head at what she was doing or going to be doing. Rising onto her knees, she took her weight off of his chest and hips. The only place they were now touching was the insides of her knees and calves to his hips and thighs. Placing her hands wide of his body on the bed, she swung her left leg over him so that she was kneeling on the outside of the bed at his hip.

He didn’t speak, but she could tell by the clenched jaw that he desperately wanted to give her a command. One that likely held the threat of a spanking if she didn’t comply with what he wanted, and quickly. His hips even rose slightly off the mattress as if trying to follow her body.

“No, no, no, Micah. Your job is to simply lie there. Your pleasure is my responsibility now.”

“That’s mean, Sylvan.”

“Oh, so it’s not mean when you say that to me?” she teased.

“No, it’s not. You need me to tell you that, or you don’t get the maximum amount of pleasure out of our time together. You rush toward your pleasure. My job is to make sure you savor it, even when it’s passionate. Even when it’s quick, you can’t rush it. There’s a difference.”

“Well, don’t ‘rush’ me by thrusting your hips into the air like that. We’ll get there,” she repeated yet another of his phrases, trying desperately not to giggle at his frustration.

“Woman, I am so going to paddle your ass when I get loose.”

“Perhaps I should keep you tied up permanently, then, hmmm?”

Facing the foot of the bed, she pressed her lips to his right hip, at the very start of the V-cut to his groin. Her tongue slipped out between her lips again, and she traced the cut all the way to his cock. Then she snaked her tongue back into her mouth but drew her index finger up the wet stripe she had drawn from cock to hip.

She placed that same index finger into her mouth and began to suck on it, gathering her saliva onto the digit. When she let it go, she made a popping sound so that Micah would hear it and wonder what she was doing.

“Sylvan?” he questioned.

“Quiet, Micah. You’ll like this.”

Taking her wet finger, she touched it to the root of his cock and drew it to the underside of the mushroom cap at its tip. With the last of her wetness there, she circled around the cap, then stroked it to the tip, which was weeping precum. She swirled it lightly around the tip of his cock, then took what remained on the tip of her finger, opened her mouth, and proceeded to clean her finger off by dragging closed lips from the webbing of her fingers until the tip exited her mouth, again with a pop.

“You taste so good, Micah. I think I need some more.”

Still facing the foot of the bed, she placed her left hand on the top of his left thigh. Her right hand on top of his right thigh. Then agonizingly slowly, she began to lower her mouth to his hard cock. She stopped just short of the tip, so close he’d feel the heat of her breath but far enough that he’d be desperate for her to finish the connection.

“Do you want me to taste your cock before I fuck you, Micah?”

“Ex-xcuse me?” he asked.

“I’m sorry, wasn’t I speaking loudly enough?” she teased. Raising her voice in volume just a little, she repeated, “Do you want me to taste your cock before I fuck you, Micah?”

“Holy shit,” he whispered on a groan. “You did not just say those words.”