Page 135 of Bad Enough


Holy sugar on saltines!

Tentatively, she placed the blindfold over his eyes, wrapping it around his head, and tied it in a flat knot behind his head. Adjusting it to ensure it was over his eyes, she checked to make sure it was tight enough to prevent it from coming off. “Can you see?” she asked.


“Is it uncomfortable?”

She watched him swallow. “No.”

“Okay.” She withdrew her hands and placed one over her stomach to quell the butterflies. “Lie back on the bed with your head on the pillow.”

Hands behind him on the edge of the bed, he hoisted himself onto the bed, then slid back on the covers so that he was lying in the center.

Gingerly, she climbed up onto the bed next to him, rope in hand, then straddled him, careful to avoid sitting on his jutting cock. Afraid she would refuse to follow through, she let the rope unwind, its length laying loosely on his chest and trailing off the side closest to the floor. Gathering his hands in hers, she put them together, wrist to wrist, and wound the rope several times around them. Gently, she guided his arms above his head and helped him find the center post behind the pillows and part of the bookshelves’ support system. Once his hands had gripped the post, she tied off the ends, draping the excess length on the bookshelf, then slid her fingers between the rope and his skin to make sure that it was tight enough not to slip loose, but also not too tight to abrade his skin, just like he had always done with her.

“If you feel any numbness, tingling, or pain, you tell me immediately.”

He licked his lips, which were just short of a grimace, but he nodded.

“Words, TB.”

He chuckled tightly. “Well played, princess. It’s uncomfortable. But no more so than it was for you, I imagine. I haven’t been in this spot since I joined my first kink club.”

Jealousy reared hard. “You’ve been tied before?”

“It made sense to me that anything I intended to do to a submissive, I needed to experience myself. I wanted to understand what she would feel.”

“Everything?” she squeaked.

He smiled again. “Yes. Everything,” he emphasized to her. “But you can put the green-eyed monster away, princess. It was one time for each of those things, and not with anyone I was attracted to. Being dominated by a Domme is not something I wish to repeat,” he admitted. “I would only do this again for you.”

She pitched forward with a speed she didn’t know she possessed and slammed her lips down onto his. Hungrily, she swept her tongue over the seam of his lips, forcing it into his mouth. She flicked his tongue with the tip of hers, then slid it along his.

She could feel him vibrating beneath her. He was trying to remain submissive to her, but he was struggling.

This man. To have him at her whims? For him to allow her to have this unprecedented control over his pleasure? This truly was everything that he could give her.

“You trust me, don’t you, TB?” Flame asked.

“I would never put myself in this position with you if I didn’t. But I would like to make one request.”

Even when he asks for something, he doesn’t phrase it as a question. Dominant to his core.

“Which is?”

“Call me Micah.”

He wants me to use his real name. Oh, sassafras!

From her perch astride him, she leaned down, bringing her lips to barely brush against the hollow in his throat. “Micah.” His name came from her mouth like a sigh, and his body seemed to relax a fraction.

Sylvan found herself at a loss. What should she do with him? This was so much easier when she just had to exist. He was responsible for all decisions, and she had only to experience. But now she was expected to lead, and she felt awkward despite being given free rein to do with him whatever she liked.

She returned her mouth to the hollow of his throat, this time pressing a kiss there. The tip of her tongue slipped between her lips to taste his skin. It was warm and tasted slightly of salt. Sweat from nerves at being restrained? She felt her power increase.

Emboldened by his taste, she dragged the point of her tongue across his clavicle, then down to his nipple. Her tongue traced a circle around the disk, and when it had made an entire journey of three hundred and sixty degrees, she used her front teeth to ever-so-gently grip the nipple and tug.