Page 129 of Bad Enough

“That’s ridiculous. It’s not possible.”

“Well, they found a way.”

Waters’ brow furrowed. “Keep searching for them in the background. They may be friends right now, but that doesn’t mean they couldn’t become foes. I want to know who they are.”

“Got it.”

TB looked at Waters. “We going to Sallum?”

Waters shook his head. “I’m going to send Nemo and Steel as planned. No sense tripping unseen wires before we mean to be seen. Two are easier to hide than six. Until we know where he is, I’m reluctant to go anywhere full force.”

Waters clicked out of the security protocols and looked around the table. “Forty-eight hours off for all but Demon and me. We’ll be settling, debriefing, and reacclimating the women into everyday life. Midas, keep your programs running, but get some rest. If there’s an emergency, I’ll text.” The men began to file out of the room, chattering as they did so.

TB remained behind looking out the window, considering his next moves. His life was now in such uncharted territory that he had no idea how to proceed.

It was silent in the room for a long time, the sun setting over the city skyline. When he turned, he expected to see Waters or even Steel, but it was neither.


That I did not expect.

TB was wary, but Nemo was standing at the head of the conference room table with a serious expression on his face, holding up his hands like he was being confronted by a man with a gun. “I come in peace,” he intoned. Hoisting himself up on the conference table, he locked his elbows and curled his fingers around the edge. “I figured you’d be the first one out the door with Waters’ orders. Why are you still here?”

TB shrugged. “She’s home, resting. Kubrick’s with her.”

“That’s not an answer to the question. Why are you still here?”

TB opened his mouth to answer, reconsidered, and closed his mouth. He tried a second time but was no more successful. Finally, he settled on, “She’s vulnerable. Even though she knew she was a target before I came into the picture, she has been living on fumes. She needs sleep. Quiet.”

“She’d probably sleep and rest better knowing you’re close.”

“Now that Gendry and the danger are gone, she may discover that I’m not nearly as attractive to her.”

“That’s bullshit, and you know it. She was in love with you before she even met you.”

“How would you know?” TB asked, suspiciously.

“The day we set up her house? In the doorway? The whisper? I asked her if she was in love with you. She can’t hide anything, which is refreshing, to be honest. There’s no subterfuge or masking with her. She shows you everything she’s feeling.”

TB felt panic pooling in his gut. “I’m going to hurt her. I won’t be able to help it. Somewhere, somehow, I’m going to fuck it all up because I have no clue what the fuckall I’m doing.”

Nemo laughed. “Dude, no man knows what he’s doing when it comes to women. Even I don’t, and I’ve slept with more women than even I can count.” He pulled a piece of gum out of his pocket, unwrapped it, popped it in his mouth, and pocketed the wrapper. “It’s obvious you care about her. What’s the hang up?”

“Caring about her, wanting to be in a relationship with her, and loving her are three very different things. I don’t think you get it.”

Nemo hummed to himself. “It’s interesting to me that you jumped to the end option of loving her. So, ask me again how I know you want a relationship with this woman.” He winked. “Look, just tell her what she needs to hear, which is the truth. Tell her you love her and you’re never going to let her go.”

That’s it? I can do that.

TB was thinking hard. “She knows I’ve never been part of a couple. How do I make her believe I’m serious?”

“Take a piece of advice from her books. Make a grand gesture. Put yourself in a vulnerable position. You’re such a big badass; showing her your belly, so to speak, will be a dead giveaway.”

“How do I know what will work for this grand gesture?”

Nemo laughed good-naturedly. “You’re the interrogator, dumbass. It’s the same thing but without the torture angle. Don’t watch her. See her. Who she really is. Listen to her. Not just what she is saying, but what she isn’t. Should be child’s play for you.”

“Examples,” TB prompted.