Page 117 of Bad Enough

Nemo had already started on the second folder. The first one must have been on one of her parents because there was very little there. This second one didn’t look like it had much, either.

“Thank you,” TB croaked. He cleared his throat. “She’s…” He couldn’t finish.

Nemo looked up at him. “Yours. I know. I got your back, TB. We’ll find her and bring her home.” Then he went back to sorting papers.

TB slid the final file folder across the table. It was the thickest one. Gendry. Currently, the dead man walking. Because once TB found him, he would make him dead.




Sylvan tried to keep the panic at bay. She drew in a deep breath, closed her eyes, then let the air out. She continued to breathe deeply. Inhale for three counts, hold on the fourth, exhale for three, and hold on the fourth. Repeat. In her mind, she focused on the image of the wolf’s head on her missing collar.

Gendry had taken her jewelry from her and checked her obvious pockets when they were in the SUV. The wolf collar with the tracker in it had disappeared into a metal box that had then been ditched to throw TB off the trail if he tried to track her.

Dumbass. The idiot hadn’t thought to frisk the rest of her to look for wires or anything like that. It was really amazing to her that this idiot was capable of running a drug and prostitution ring as a middleman and had never been caught. Wasn’t frisking for phones Criminal 101 stuff?

Midas had given her a burner phone programmed to TB and him only since he was using her phone to try and gather intel on her stalker’s location. Currently, it was in her hidden corset pocket, in silent mode, so even though it was on, it wouldn’t ring or vibrate. As long as the man didn’t strip her down to nothing, it would stay on her.

Would TB think of that? Would he remember that she always kept it on her person? She hoped so.

She glanced up at the timer. Two hours, fifty-two minutes, and sixteen seconds.

A buzzer sounded far down on her right.

“Flame, you okay?”

The voice came from the container to her immediate right. Medusa.

“Yeah, I’m okay. You?”

“I’m good.”

A buzzer sounded down to her right.

“What’s that noise?” Sylvan asked.

“That means the countdown is at zero, and the sale is complete.”

“Shit,” Sylvan whispered.

There was silence for a few minutes.

“I’m sorry I got you into this mess,” Sylvan apologized.

“Not your fault, girl. I’ve been in ‘this mess,’ as you call it, for a lot longer than you think.”

Sylvan stayed silent.

“Flame,” Medusa tried again. “Does Lobo have a tracker on you?” Medusa tried again. “I know who he is, what he does. We’re very familiar with Tribe, even though they are not familiar with us.”

“You? You mean you, Loki, and Gilgamesh?”

“Yes. It’s a long story. Look, I know you don’t know me from anyone, but I need to know. Does he have a way to track you?”

“Well, no. I mean, he did. But it was in the collar I was wearing. There’s another way he could find me. He’d have to remember some information to do it, though.”