“I love it, Jacob. It’s exquisite,” she said, admiring it on her finger.
I lean in, and as our lips meet, the world shrank to that singular point of contact. The kiss deepened, fueled by the years of pain and forgiveness, the sweetness of reconciliation igniting like a spark into a flame. When we finally parted, her forehead remained pressed to mine. We stayed in that position until she suddenly jolted up as if pricked by something.
“What’s wrong?”
“What time is it?” She asked.
“It’s just gone past ten,” I responded.
“Oh no! We are late!” She jumped out of bed.
“Late for what?” I was confused.
“The fair, Jacob! The fair! I was supposed to attend the Christmas fair with Daisy. Oh my goodness.” She panicked, dashing into the bathroom.
“Be careful!” I yelled behind her.
“Are you coming with us?” Her head appeared at the entrance to the bathroom.
“Sure, I will.”
“I will be ready in ten minutes,” she said with a wink.
I leave the room with a skip in my step to prepare coffee for us.
“What do you think of these colors?” I asked, holding up the dresses I’d picked out.
“Hmm. The green isn’t bad, but fuchsia always looks good on you,” Mrs. Bradley opined.
“Mom?” Daisy shuffled in, her face overtaxed with worry.
“What is it this time, Daisy Benedicta Bradley?” Mrs. Bradley frowned.
“I can’t find my purse, and I’m running late for my shoot,” she cried.
“Can you remember where you placed it earlier?”
“No,” Daisy rolled her eyes. “That’s why I’m asking you!”
“Daisy, I think you might have dropped it in the bathroom,” I intervened.
“In the bathroom?” She grimaced.
“Sure, go check there.”
“I found it. Thank you, Clara. My ride is here. See you both later,” she said.
“Have you and Jacob decided on a resort?” Mrs. Bradley asked.
“No,” I said, joining her on the sofa.
“Why don’t you look online?” she suggested.
“I’ve thought about that, but I want Jacob and me to choose together.”