The sun was shining resplendently in the clear azure sky. The air outside was filled with a medley of freshness and the typical smell hospitals gave off.

It was all part of Sunnyvale, the beauty and the appreciation of it.

Jacob had left for work and Daisy had returned to keep me company. Seeing her after a long time made me feel happy and sure about leaving the past behind and moving on. Though I could still feel a hindrance in our discussion as it did not come as naturally as it normally would, I knew we could still make things work between us so that our reconciliation would birth a better friendship.

“I want to know how you have been for the past three years.” She began.

“Well, there’s not much to say save for the part of me being heartbroken.” I let out an absurd laugh.

“I’m so sorry I wasn’t there for you.” She solemnly said.

“I’m sorry for not doing what friends do, for not reaching out to you.” I felt guilty, too.

“I thought we were well past these, Clara.” She made a face. “I’m not comfortable with you apologizing.”

“You started it, Daisy. I’m as guilty as you are.” I chuckled.

“Okay, fine. Let’s stop apologizing; let’s talk about interesting things.” She said with a tone of finality.


“So yeah, what do you do now? I mean, here in Sunnyvale?”

“I run my late aunt’s coffee shop.”

“Interesting, I’d like to see the place.”


“How’s working as a barista? As far as I know, coffee making is a big deal.” she chuckled.

“Yeah, it’s fun and practical too. Overall, it’s still the best job I have ever ventured into. I’m having the best time of my life.” I laughed.

“Wow, it’s great to hear you say that. I mean, because you’ve always wanted to run your own business. I’m happy for you.” She smiled widely.

“Yeah, thank you. So what about you? Are you still a model?”

“Yeah, but I switched agencies.” She responded.

“Why? I thought you were doing very well at Michael’s.”

“I outgrew him, and I required a fresh, new place,” she said nonchalantly

“Well, did you find one?” I was curious.

“Yes, I did.” She said with excitement.

“And?” It seemed to me like she wanted to say more.

“And I met this guy, Nathan.” She instantly added, her eyes sparkling with delight.

“Oh, Nathan. Tell me about him.” I was happy to have her sharing important details of her life with me like she used to.

“Yeah, he’s the cutest guy I’ve ever seen. He’s a model too, and one thing that most especially excites me about him is that he’s exotic.” She said in one breath.


“Yeah, his mom is Italian, and his dad is Irish,” she said, her eyes sparkling with excitement. “Sometimes he’s all fiery Italian passion, and other times he’s got that charming Irish wit. But no matter what, I just love the way he makes me feel.” She was beaming, her smile stretching from ear to ear.