Inoticed her eyes were aloof, and it seemed she was thinking about something. I was inclined to gently tap her, and she shifted on her seat.

“Clara? Are you okay?”

She immediately answered, “Yes, yes.” But I doubted she was okay.

“Good.” I cleared my throat.

“So I was asking what you intended to do with the coffee shop.” I resumed our previous discussion.

I secretly wondered whether she was truly comfortable with me. I was trying to be very cautious as regards her emotions. Daisy had especially advised me, and I was prepared to do as she had said.

“Yeah, I am going to start running it again.” She answered rather plainly.

“That’s good. I bet it’s still in good shape.”

“Not exactly. I have plans laid out; I am going to work towards getting it in working condition. Some things are worn out,” she responded.

“Well, I could help you out -”

“Jacob, it’s kind of you to want to help, but it’s perfectly fine to ignore it. I can handle everything just fine. It’s nothing to be bothered about.” She cut me off. My mouth opened agape, and her hazelnut eyes were firm and undaunted.

“Clara, it’s not fine for me to overlook such a thing. I want to help you as much as I can, more so in any way I can.” I wondered if she knew I was totally honest about helping her and that I had no ulterior motives for it.

“I do not require your help, Jacob.”

“You are not okay with involving me, is that it?” I tried to stifle the pain her rejection was giving me.

She swallowed.

“Yes,” she said honestly.

I nodded, deeply affected by her conviction, but I must shake it off. Apparently, she must still doubt me. I realized this was the sensitivity Daisy told me to pay attention to. I can’t force it. It was alright for her to be dubious about matters concerning me. It wasn’t her, it was me, I had caused it. I had broken her trust and must gain it back.

I looked at her. She was fiddling with the resin ring on her pinkie.

“Let’s just keep a line between us. It’s for the best.”

I nodded, her expression on the first day had said it all. The consistency of the silence that came thereafter was far more affecting than any other that had existed. I took the time to reflect.

I knew Clara was a lovely woman who cared a lot for people, but then I also knew she had become quite wary of me. It was understandable. However, I couldn’t leave it at that. Though it might take some time to regain her trust, I must try. There were some things I had to put in place that I had to sort out.

Her eyes remained glued to her fingers, her lashes fluttering innocently. Those lashes knew the sweet sensation of my kisses. Her face was a little pale, and her lips were not as pink as I had known them to be. She looked a little under the weather.

“Are you cold?” I asked her out of concern.

“No,” she shook her head.

“Are you sure?” I queried.

“Yes.” She frowned.

“I still don’t think you’ve fully recovered from being in the rain the other day...” And I’m sorry for that. I wanted to add, but I kept silent.

“I am perfectly fine.” She made a face.

“I do not want to argue with you, but can I prepare tea for you? It will really help.”

She stared at me, reluctant to reply. The tips of her ears had begun to color.