“Here,” he passed me a fork. Staring suspiciously at him, he looked happy. I wondered why I was the one having a hard time here. Perhaps I needed to calm down and just flow with the vibe. But I doubted I could bring myself to do that.

“How is it? Do you like it?” His ears and his eyes were searching for answers, but they were not forthcoming. I didn’t want to say anything out of place, so I kept quiet.

It’s like the ones you prepared in the old times, I might have said, but I kept quiet. I just ate it.

He quietly watched, leaning his chin on his hand. Soon, I felt comfortable. I had gotten re-adapted to his ways, his smell, and the smell of his food.

“How have you been?” He was patient enough to wait till I was satisfied with eating.

I wiped my mouth and kept the remainder away.

What did he expect me to say? That I had been miserable since he broke up with me or that I had been doing perfectly fine without him? I was rather unsure.

“I’d rather neither of us ask how the other is or has been faring.” I was quick to say.

He silently nodded.

“It’s okay to be angry with me. I deserve it,”

“Angry with you, Jacob? Oh no, I’m not at all angry-”

“Course you are, Clara, I know it.”

“No, I am not. If I were angry with you, you would not be sitting in my dining room.”

“Clara.” he frowned.

“You know what, thank you for the food.” I prepared to leave the dining table.

“Clara.” Out of the blue, he grabbed my wrist. I felt the urge to relax immediately. His thumb softly touched my skin. I swallowed, ripples of excitement surging in torrents through me.

“I’m sorry about how things ended between us. I admit I was wrong. I admit I was selfish. I want you to find a place in your heart to forgive me.” His soft voice almost tickled my ears. No doubt, the tips of my ears were fast becoming crimson. I wondered if he could see how much his words affected me.

“Clara.” The way he called my name made me feel sensations that were logically alarming.

However, recollecting how his stupid actions ruined our personal relationship and what his sister, Daisy, and I had, irked me.

“It’s not only about us, Jacob. We were not the only ones that were affected by your decision. You literally destroyed the friendship I had with Daisy. We had known each other long before you even came into the picture.” I retorted.

“I know, I know…” he moved closer again. I moved back. “I am very sorry about that. I regret my actions, okay? Do find a place in your heart to forgive me.”

“I can’t forgive you that easily yet.” I just couldn’t bring myself to let go of everything.

“Yet?” He arched his brows.

“Look, I’m only here talking to you because I already let you in.”

His face fell.

Was I expected to say more than that? I briefly saw his Adam’s apple shift.

“I-” he paused in his speech. “I want to win your trust again. Please, give me another chance.” He finally found his tongue.

“I don’t think you deserve one.” I slipped my hand out of his hold. He readjusted in his seat, looking quite lost. I never knew my words would affect him so much.

“I know I don’t, but I’m asking you to give me a chance. I want to make things right between us.”

“Well, the floor is open. You can do whatever you want to do, you don’t need my permission. You didn’t need my permission to break up with me.” I was still very much frustrated.