Clara burst out laughing. I felt so triumphant, she was finally mine again.
“I’m so happy for you both.” She dashed across the room and swept me into a long embrace. Then she kissed Clara on the face, here and there.
I couldn’t deny the spark that was between me and Clara. A wave of emotions was rushing through me in heavy torrents. I could barely contain them, so I reached for her and locked her lips to mine once more.
“I won’t look.” Daisy joked, settling on the sofa.
Then, slowly, I intertwined my fingers in hers and brought her head to rest on my chest. I couldn’t be more fulfilled.
“Thank you,” I whispered against her hair.
“For what?” she further tightened the hug.
“For seeing me as someone worthy of you.”
“I find happiness in you, my love. My happiness can never be elsewhere.” She cocked her head to look at me.
Her eyes sparkled with a novelty that I loved.
“I’ll always love you.” I nuzzled my nose against hers.
She twitched a small smile, and then, unexpectedly, her eyes began to fill with tears.
I didn’t plan to make her feel that way.
“I’m sorry for making you cry,”
“No, no,” she shook her head profusely.
Perhaps, then, I thought she was overwhelmed by her emotions.
“I can’t help it.” She laughed amid her tears.
Her forgiveness felt like a sunrise after a long, harsh winter. I reached for her hand again, feeling the familiar warmth that had once seemed as perennial as the sun. It was now or never.
“Clara,” I started, my heart thumping against my ribcage, “these past few days without your trust have been the hardest of my life. I’ve realized something undeniable. I can’t imagine a life that doesn’t have you in it. The week you took a chance on me, was the best for me. I want that every day. I do not have a ring right now, but will you marry me?”
Time seemed to stand still.
I hear Daisy’s gasp.
At first, Clara looked at me in shock, and then her face broke into a wide, tear-streaked smile when she realized it was a proposal.
“Yes, Jacob. Yes, I will marry you.”
“Yes, oh yes. Finally, Clara, we are going to be sisters,” Daisy squeals with delight and hugs the two of us together. “I need to make some calls,” she says as she runs up the stairs.
“I love you, Clara. I will get a ring tomorrow.”
“I love you, Jacob.”
She leaned into me, her head resting against my chest, and I felt the pieces of our past settling, the future promising something new, something whole.
Her face was a peaceful scenery that could not be found anywhere. Its serenity was impeccable, and the beauty it bore was sublime. I wanted to touch her lips but knew that would rouse her. Instead, I waited patiently for her to open her eyes.
The air was fresh and crisp, and a sweet fragrance filled it. I inhaled with a contented smile.