Today was one of those busy days.

I woke up to a text from Jacob:

Good morning, beautiful. I’ve got a hectic day ahead, but I’m thinking of you. Expect a little surprise at lunchtime. Have a great day!

I smiled at my phone, feeling a rush of warmth and excitement. Around noon, a delivery arrived. It was a beautifully arranged lunch, complete with a note:

I wish I could be there with you, but I hope this makes up for it. Enjoy your meal. I can’t wait to see you tonight.

Later in the evening, when Jacob finally had a moment to breathe, he called me.

“Hey, beautiful,” he greeted, his voice filled with warmth. “Did you get the lunch I sent?”

“Yes, I did. Thank you so much, Jacob,” I replied. “It was delicious. But I missed having you here.”

“I missed you too,” he whispered. “I promise, once this project is done, I’ll make it up to you. How about dinner this weekend?”

“That sounds wonderful,” I said, feeling the excitement build. “Any hints about what you have planned?”

“Nope,” he chuckled. “It’s a surprise. You’ll have to wait and see.

We spent the next few minutes talking about our day, sharing little details and jokes that made the time apart feel shorter.

Jacob sighed, “I’ve got to get back to work now. But I’ll be thinking of you. Can’t wait to see you tonight.”

“I can’t wait either,” I said. “Take care, Jacob.”

“I love you, Clara,” he replied. “See you soon.”

As I hung up the phone, I couldn’t help but feel grateful for Jacob’s care and thoughtfulness. Each day felt like a new adventure, and I eagerly looked forward to what he had planned next.

After a long day at the coffee shop, I stepped out of the taxi and trudged through the snow to my porch. The sun had long set, leaving the world in an icy twilight. I craved warmth and sleep.

Inside, I made a cup of tea and wrapped myself in a duvet, but even with the heater running, the house felt as cold as a morgue. I wondered if the heating was faulty.

My phone chimed, interrupting my thoughts. It was an email notification. I opened it and froze. My debts had been cleared. I was listed as a beneficiary of Jacob Sebastian Bradley.

Wait, what?

How did he find out about the foreclosure? Had he been snooping through my things? To think I was beginning to trust him, and he did this? I felt a mix of shock and betrayal. How could he do this without asking me?

The doorbell rang. I stormed to the door, and there he was, standing with a bouquet, looking pleased with himself.

“Hello, beautiful,” he said, leaning in to kiss me. I dodged it.

“Is everything okay?” he asked, stepping inside. “I’m sorry I’m late—“

I shoved my phone in his face. “What is this?”

“Oh, Clara,” he sighed, setting the bouquet on the console.

“Tell me, how did you find out?” I demanded.

“Do you have to know?”

“Really, Jacob? You think I don’t need to know?” My voice was rising.

“I thought you’d be happy,” he said, looking genuinely puzzled.