“Yeah,” my heart skipped a beat. I became anxious to hear whatever she wanted to say.
“Goodnight.” She twitched a small smile.
I felt my heart was going to burst out of my chest, unable to contain the massive joy I was feeling at that moment.
That was how love made you feel.
I woke up with so much happiness and hummed throughout the morning. Daisy had not returned home the previous night, so I had the freedom and space to express my joy.
Merely thinking about the fact that Clara had finally warmed up to me, excited my nerves.
“Did something good happen?” Jackson asked when I settled in my office.
“Well, consider it a miracle.” I beamed a smile, and he looked at me strangely. I ignored him and focused on how to get everything on my schedule over with so I could spend alone time with Clara at her coffee shop.
Talking about the coffee shop, I felt I needed to do something. I could not watch Clara struggle to pay off some debts for which she was not responsible.
However, I decided to speak to Daisy about it first.
I dialed Daisy’s number and shared with her Jackson’s revelations.
“Though I got to know it through unorthodox means, I do not regret it. She wouldn’t share it with us, anyway.” I added.
“Sometimes, I still feel she has not completely opened up to me, although I mostly let her know things about me,” Daisy commented, disappointed.
“I feel she’s trying not to get her heart broken by two siblings.” I jocularly opined. “But I think she’s opening up to me gradually, she let me kiss her, and that’s a big deal.”
Daisy chuckled. “Perhaps she just doesn’t want to bother us with her problems. And as regards the current state of your relationship, I’m happy for you.”
“Thanks,” I was happy for myself as well.
“I hope you finally, officially get back together.” She said.
“Me too.”I looked on, my eyes darted back and forth from the flakes of snow outside. It was twenty days before Christmas, I thought. I had to plan something for Clara. It was only natural I did. Hopefully, I’d completely win her heart before the new year.
“So what do you want to do now? I mean as regards the debt clearance.” Daisy queried.
“I haven’t decided.”
Paying off her debt seemed like the best thing to do at the moment but I doubted if I would not be turned down. I could always pay it off behind her back, but I felt it might trigger some unnecessary breach between us.
“Do you think you want to pay off the debt?” Daisy asked as if she could read my mind.
“Well,” I shrugged. “What do you think?”
“I don’t know. I don’t know what’s on her mind, though I wish I had known.” Daisy’s response sealed the conversation, and my mind was decided.
At lunchtime, I drove down to Clara’s place at the heart of the city. Our eyes met as soon as I opened the door, and she seemed excited to see me.
“Hey!” I waved at her, walking over to the counter where she was attending to a customer.
“Hey,” she whispered.
After the customer left, she came around the counter and proposed we sit at a nearby table. She went back to get us some coffee while I made my way to the table.