I groaned, “Mom!”

“Do you not want to? Wait a minute, are you hiding something from me? Did you cry, Clara?”

By then, I knew whatever was to come after was inevitable. She immediately switched to a video call.

“Clara, look at me.” She was virtually glaring through the screen.

“I’m looking at you, Mom.”

“You didn’t cry because of him, did you?” She raised a brow.

“I did, Mom; I cried!” I was beginning to feel frustrated with everything.

“Oh, my baby. I’m sorry, Mom’s not there with you. Will you come back home, honey? This seems like a tough situation for you, and-”

“It’s not a tough situation, Mom!” I yelled. “It’s not. Jacob and I are finished; we are not a thing. We broke up three years ago, and we’ve both moved on. This is not a tough situation.”

She fell quiet, and I suddenly felt guilt rush through me.

“Well, you don’t seem to have moved on,” she murmured.


“Alright, alright, I’ll take your word for it, you have moved on. Fine.”

I sighed. Could my day get any worse?

“It’s just that I feel for you,” she continued softly. “Why does he have to be there? You want to stay there, huh?” Her brows arched questioningly.

“Yes, Mom. Running away won’t do me any good. I couldn’t possibly abandon Aunt Madeline’s desire and will for me because of some man with whom I have no ties anymore. I’ll be alright, Mom.” I assured her.

“Exactly. Make sure you are just alright, my baby. I love you so much.”

“I love you too, Mom.”

“I want to squeeze you right now.” she grinned, staring at me with so much love.

I smiled.

“Call me frequently, okay?” Her tone switched to an authoritative one.

“Yes, Mom. Thank you, I feel good now.”

“Anytime. I have to go now. Be sure I’ll tell your father about this. I can’t keep it from him.”

“Sure. Definitely.”

Who could stop her anyway? The call ended.

The window towards the left, I observed, gave me a vantage view of the neighboring house, which, as I already knew, was inhabited by the bane of my existence. Perhaps, I tried to convince myself that I didn’t have to overthink things. Jacob and I were adults, and we would behave in such a manner.

I would be very quiet and try as much as possible not to trespass on his property. I promised myself I wouldn’t be interested in why he was here in Sunnyvale. I would duly mind my business while he minded his occupations. Though there were several tales of ex-lovers coming back together again, I wouldn’t dare imagine us coming together again.

Chapter Two


The rivulets of rain on my window seemed to run on a sad track.