My best friend, Daisy, had called, but I had not answered. There were peculiar circumstances that called for a certain embankment of solitude, and the situation was one.

Tears were fast gathering in my eyes, and I gripped my head as I felt dizzy.

Curse Jacob Bradley!

Curse California businesses!

Curse the stupid feeling of love!

The overwhelming sound of the rain irritated my ears, and I cried out. Thankfully, I was alone, and the mightiness of the downpour was capable of drowning out my voice.

I nestled in bed until late evening; the rain had stopped by then.

I was grateful to Sunnyvale for the peace that enveloped me. It was exactly what I needed and more. Rising carefully, my stomach growled. I was famished. I had not had anything besides coffee since the morning. Jacob Bradley had succeeded in ruining my day, my excitement about Sunnyvale, and the anticipated conciliation with my memories of Aunt Madeline’s home.

Aunt Madeline’s room was my refuge. It was large with a customary decor which was totally to my taste. Each and everything must have been carefully considered to create comfort, from the plush carpet to the exquisite chandelier overhead, to the sturdy bed covered in white linen that had delicate lace details at the hem, to the gorgeous artworks that adorned the warm-colored walls, to comfy armchairs designed for relaxation and lastly, to the silk curtains that framed the windows.

I decided I was going to use the room as my bedroom. The house was big and had many rooms, but I especially wanted this room, particularly because it belonged to my late aunt.

Slipping down the bed, I checked out the vanity.

Aunt Madeline hardly used makeup, so nothing much was in the drawers besides her stockings.

I was startled when my phone rang. It was my mom. She must have been expecting a call from me upon my arrival at Sunnyvale.

“Hey, Mom!”

“My darling, have you arrived at your aunt’s?”

“Yes, Mom. I’m sorry I didn’t give you a call.”

“Are you okay? You sound down.” As usual, she could detect my emotions anywhere and anytime.

“I’m good.” I lied.

“Did something happen? Talk to me, Clara.” She sounded impatient.

Should I tell her that Jacob Bradley had reappeared?

“Mom, Jacob is here.” I let the cat out of the bag. I couldn’t conceal the fact for a long time; my mom would find it out herself.

“What do you mean he is here?” I could picture the grave look on her face right then. She resented Jacob for acting so irrationally and being insensitive to my feelings.

“He’s here, in Sunnyvale. He seems to be my next-door neighbor,” I added.

“Ah! Incredible!” She sighed, and I could picture her rolling her eyes.

“I know, right? I wish he hadn’t been here.”

“He has ruined your mood, my baby.” Her voice tinged with pity.

“Yes, he has.” I breathed.

“How are you? How do you feel? I want to see you right now.” She said in one breath.

“Mom, Mom, you can’t see me now. I’m miles away from you.”

“Of course, I can, baby; let’s have a video call.” She suggested, impromptu.