Her words are cut off when I grab her arm and turn her around so she’s facing me, my body burning with jealousy. The need to find this pathetic little college boy and break him into pieces for touching what’s mine is so strong, it’s practically choking me.
Fuck that!
Rhea is mine.
So maybe I told her to go off to college and live a little. I wanted her to make friends like she never could in her childhood, live a life free of her neglectful parents, and have a normal eighteen-year-old life. Not date some fucking kid from California. I bet he’s one of those blond beach guys with fake tan lines and white, plastic teeth, wasting their daddy’s money away in frat parties and sleeping with anything walking around in a skirt.
Rhea needs a man, Goddamnit!
“What’s his name?” I demand, the possessiveness in my voice taking even me by surprise, but I don’t try to hide it.
I have done enough hiding already.
It’s time I claimed my girl. Damn everything else. Rhea is mine.
Chapter Three
“What’s his fucking name, Rhea?”
I stare at Knight in both shock and confusion. So maybe I told him a few lies just to make him a little jealous, but this . . . this is explosive.
To be honest, college is boring. It’s nothing like I’ve seen in movies where everyone parties and has fun. I haven’t been to a single party, and everyone I have met so far is already struggling to pay tuition, they don’t have the time or money to do much beyond working and studying.
Oh, and that California boyfriend . . . Yeah, I made him up.
When I first started college, I was heartbroken that the man I was deeply and irrevocably in love with did not want me back, so I spent the first few weeks moping around my college dorm. I made friends fast, and once classes started, things got easier. A few guys hit on me, but it became blatantly clear that my heart belonged to another.
Pathetic, I know.
I have pined over this biker for years. I’ve never let any other man get close enough to touch me. The one time Priest came to see me at my school took care of the rest. The rumors that I am related to a dangerous biker, scared all the college boys away.
Even so, I don’t want to admit to Knight that I have only ever loved and wanted him. That would make me sound pathetic, so I created a whole boyfriend hide the feelings I’ve tried so hard—and failed—to outrun.
“Tell me his fucking name, Rhea!”
I stare into those gray eyes, and I swear if my heart beats any faster than it already is, I might as well suffer a cardiac arrest. “Why do you care who I date?” I whisper shakily, licking my lips as my eyes drop to that firm mouth.
“I care!” he grinds out, his eyes darkening, and I can practically see the storm building and . . . it should scare me.
I have never seen Knight this angry before. The man is often a wall of blank expressions and sarcastic remarks, but he rarely ever shows what he is feeling on his face.
This new side of him should terrify me, Knight is arguably the most dangerous man in the MC after my brother, but all it does is send a tremble twisting through my body. The roughness of his voice sends my nipples pebbling behind my bra, and I have to bite my lip to stop the moan that threatens to break free as I feel my sex grow slick.
“My boyfriend is none of your business!”
A deep animalistic sound builds up in his throat, and I watch in fascination as a vein pulses in his forehead. He looks almost . . . dangerous. It’s a fascinating look on him, one he’s never let me see before this moment.
“I want to know the name of the man you’re dating!” he growls roughly, sending goosebumps rising all over my body. Knight is the only man capable of making me feel this way with his voice alone. “Rhea!”
“Edward!” I blurt out the first name that comes to mind. “His name is Edward Cullen, not that it matters to you.”
My cheeks flush a deep shade of red as I wait for him to call me out on my slip up, but he must not catch it, or he has no clue who the hell Edward Cullen is. To be fair, he is a biker through and through, very masculine, and wouldn’t be caught dead watching a teen romcom with vampires and werewolves.
There is a beat of silence following my words and I experience a moment of doubt, thinking perhaps I read him wrong, and he’s probably watched all installments of the Twilight saga. “Does Priest know about this Edward guy?” The relief could kill me.