“No. It’s really nice, like sweet. Yummy but not food.”

Dez shrugged. “I smell my own deodorant. And exhaust from the cars. Look, the lot’s almost filled up.”

People had already formed a line behind us. This place was going to be full to capacity. We stood a chance of not even getting in, but I didn’t voice that to Dez.

With every minute, my dragon grew increasingly restless. He made what felt like turns in my mind. I called them turns for lack of any better way to describe it. It made me a little dizzy. This sort of behavior came with the sensation of feeling trapped. Like a caged animal. It usually meant I needed to shift. It was controllable but unfair to him. He should be able to fly more than I had been allowing.

Secrets here. Like treasure.

He rarely voiced more complex things to me. Everything was based on emotion for him. He trembled. What was he sensing?

I tried to tune in, but the laughing, yelling crowd was loud and distracting. Still, I paid closer attention. I started looking at people ahead of and behind us. Were there other dragon shifters here? There could be. Was it anyone we knew?

Like treasure and pleasure.

What do you mean? I silently spoke back.

Looking. Searching. Hunting.

I closed my eyes, trying to focus.

“You okay?” Dez asked.

“Yeah. Fine.” I opened my eyes and smiled.

Just then, a shout came from the front of the line. “Doors opening!”

The crowd hooted and applauded.

It took a long time, but finally the line began to move for those of us near the back. There were a few fights as people joined friends ahead of others and argued about it.

It took about fifteen minutes before we reached the corner of the building near the front. The line was slowing down again. I could see security conferring with bouncers. An attractive older woman with flowing beaded skirts and long hair came out and scanned the line. It looked like maybe she was counting.

We continued to move. My dragon stilled inside me, sniffing the air again, stiffening his countenance and causing my muscles to clench.

Run. Fly. Break through.

He wanted to break from the line and cut in front of all the people to force himself inside. That, I would never allow. I projected calm and peace.

I had turned away from Dez, hands in my pockets, trying to deal with the combination of feelings and when I turned back, strangers stood in front of me.

“Hey!” I waved my hand. “I’m with that guy.”

I pointed to Dez, who turned.

“Rome, what are you doing back there?”

“These people stepped in front of me.” I didn’t use the word “cut,” trying to be polite.

“We were here all along.” It was a guy in a brimmed black hat who outright lied to me.

“But that’s my friend.”

Dez said, “He’s with me!”

The group who’d cut in front of me all shook their heads, not budging. I had names for those sorts. But I kept my mouth shut.

By then, Dez was next in line. I saw him speak to the bouncer and gesture. The bouncer looked at the group in front of me, who all earnestly said they were next. Then he shrugged as he looked directly at me.