I was about to say no when my stomach rumbled, reminding me I hadn’t taken the time to eat after work. Honestly, I hadn’t been hungry in the slightest, but after being here a bit to decompress, something decadent sounded good. “Yeah. I would. Suggestions?”

“It’s all good here. I’m pretty new, but I’m tasting my way through the menu so I can better describe everything.” He was still just inches away, and since the band was between songs, it was not to be heard. I couldn’t figure out what he was, not a run-of-the-mill shifter for sure. I wanted to ask but didn’t want to seem nosy.

“What’s your favorite so far?”

He eased into the other chair at my table and tapped his lips with a finger, as if considering. “I’d have to say the mini lobster corn dogs. Brand new this week, and we have been selling out.”

“Lobster and hot dogs together?” I wasn’t sure about that, but I was enjoying the conversation. “It’s really good?”

“No hot dogs at all. They just call them that because they look like corn dogs. Lobster tail in a delicate corn batter with this incredible lemon aioli dipping sauce…” He licked his lips and I swayed toward him before I could stop myself.

“I-I’ll take that.” The guy was fire, but he was not our mate, and I’d already been there and done that with relationships with no future. No more. But that didn’t stop me from watching him walk away.

When he returned with my order, I could tell he was interested. As if all that leaning in didn’t tell me, but again, not our mate… “I’m Clay,” he said. “And in case you wondered, I’m a sugar glider.”

“I did wonder. Nice to meet you.” I wanted to say more, but that would just be leading him on. So I ate my tasty app, drank my drink, and watched everyone else have fun. And then he asked me out, and I said no.

Chapter Four


Glorious days needed to happen more often.

I’d gotten off my day job early. Plus, it was one of my rare nights off and coincided with a day off tomorrow from my Old Town gift shop job. I could hang out, watch some TV, splurge on pizza, go to bed whenever I wanted, and sleep in until my busboy shift started at 8 p.m. the next night.

I drove home quickly, trying not to speed, to begin my mini vacation.

Boy was I exhausted. I looked forward to the couch and maybe some Netflix, which was technically my roommate Dez’s account, but he generously shared.

I had enough in tips to order a pizza. For snacks, I had popcorn, pretzels, and chocolate chip cookies. When it was a vacation, junk food didn’t count as being bad for you.

I was set.

When I walked into our apartment around four thirty, Dez was home early, too. Which was fine. We got along. We didn’t get in each other’s way at all, and he was sweet.

“Hey there, Rome,” he greeted. “You’re home early.”

“It’s utter bliss because I have tonight and tomorrow off until eight.”

“You’ve earned it, dude.”

“Thanks. I’ve got enough to order a pizza. I’m just going to become a big old couch potato. You’re welcome to join in.”

“I’ve got plans.”


“You know about Animals, right? I told you it’s a nightclub for shifters.”

“Oh, that. On the edge of a big hill overlooking downtown?”

“Yep. That’s the one. And where I’m headed tonight.”

“Do they actually even let humans in?”

He was human but also a part of the shifter world. His stepfather was a shifter who found his true mate in Dez’s birth father. Dez told me it was a whole big deal back in the day. Marriage breakup, drama, all happening when he was five years old. He had accepted his stepfather quite easily into the family and called him Papa, so my dragon didn’t scare him at all.

Now Dez dramatically clutched at his heart. “I’m wounded you would think the community wouldn’t welcome me. Afterall, Papa’s a panda.”