The T-shirt rode up his hips, exposing his backside. He was slender and slim-hipped. It wasn’t difficult to see between those luscious cheeks that he was swollen down there, and red. That egg was coming. And fast.
“Is Armel here yet?” he asked.
“Not yet. Hang on, sweetheart. Just a couple more minutes, okay?”
“Easier said than done. This thing wants to come out.”
I knelt beside the nest and stroked his head. “You’re doing great. Just do what you gotta do. Armel will be here soon.”
“I’m so glad you’re here, Rome.” He took a small ice cube from the glass and sucked it into his mouth.
I heard a crunch as he bit down on it and let out a groan. “Oh wow. So that’s happening.”
“What? What?” My heart started to race.
“It moved.”
“Okay. We got this, Clay. We got this.”
“Can you scratch my back? I have an itch.”
“Down low.”
I rubbed my hand over his lower back then extended my fingers and used my nails softly.
“That’s perfect.”
I kept rubbing his back like that as he went through a couple more contractions. Finally, I heard the front door crash open. Armel ran into our bedroom.
“Is it here yet? Where is it?”
“You got here just in time,” I said. “It’s coming now.”
I saw the opening to his body quiver and widen.
Armel exclaimed at the sight then went to Clay and kissed him on the forehead. “I’m here now. I’m here.”
Clay reached out and grabbed Armel’s shoulders with a clawlike grip. I continued to rub his back as the opening widened and something colorful and shiny slid forth.
“It’s happening, Clay. Push. Push!” I shouted.
Clay let out a loud groan, his breaths coming fast.
“It’s beautiful, Clay. Wow. Pink and yellow and purple swirls. One more push and you’ve got it. It’s perfect.”
He heaved, letting out a squawk, and I caught the miracle, a real dragon egg, in my hands just before it could hit the pillows.
I held it forward for Clay and Armel to see.
It was like a gorgeous work of art.
“We made that?” Clay asked, breath still hitching.
“We made this,” I said. “All of us.”
Armel’s eyes were pure light. “It’s perfect. You’re our perfect omega.”