“Is this Elias?”


“You don’t know me, but we met once and you gave me a pen. My name is Rome. I’m a dragon shifter mated to a sugar glider who is carrying my egg. I remembered you had a bird mate.”

“Yes. All of that is true.”

“And that you’re the omega.”


“If I could be so bold to ask, do you have kids?”


“Did you gestate an egg?”

“This is all very interesting. Is your mate pregnant with an egg?”


“Indeed, I did gestate a beautiful flamingo egg.”

“Did you feel the urge to nest?”

“Let me tell you, those were some interesting times. And my needs seemed to change day to day.”

Then, he told me everything I needed to know.

Chapter Twenty-Three


They said you knew when you knew, at least when it came to nesting. I didn’t really understand what that meant until today. Now I really did.

I woke up that morning, ready to go. I had energy to spare. My exhaustion had been getting better since I left the first trimester, but today, I was energized. If someone asked me to hike a mountain, I’d have signed right up. And if days like this were few and far between, I was going to take advantage of them. “Guys, let’s go!”

Armel looked up at me, his eyes still half asleep. “Go where?”

“We need to go shopping.” So much shopping. I’d have done it online if I thought I could get it on time. Based on how I was feeling, I wasn’t sure that was going to happen.

“Shopping?” Armel sat up.

“Yes, shopping.”

“Fine.” Rome climbed out of bed, and the three of us were ready to leave in an hour. I’d gotten ready in twenty minutes, a personal record.

“What kind of shopping are we doing?” Rome grabbed the keys to the SUV. Good man. We were going to need the room.

“So much shopping. So much.”

“So, like baby things?” Armel asked. “Like you want to get car seats and strollers and stuff? We’ve already ordered a lot of that. That doesn’t mean we can’t change our minds on some of them.”

We had done a lot of baby shopping. That was true. We had cribs, car seats, and onesies galore.

Why had he assumed that’s what I wanted? But there we were. “No, things for my nest. It’s time. Today. Today is the time.”

“Okay, tell us where to go.” Rome was down for anything. Armel was too. I appreciated it more than they could know.