“Might is the operative word.”
“Hey. Rome. Don’t be thick. Remember, my papa is a fated mate. I’ve seen what that means. It’s bigger than the entire universe can hold. It’s a huge deal. Don’t ignore that.”
“I’m not. I’m seeing Armel tonight.”
“It’s not good for your health when you meet your fated and then you have to be apart so much. I know. My papa and my dad can’t travel far from each other more than a couple days before they get homesick. And I don’t mean homesick in a casual way. I mean it like it affects your body and your mind. Makes you really sick.”
I sighed. “I’m going to be with them. It’s not a question.”
“No. It’s not.” Dez crossed his arms. “The question is when.”
I grabbed my overnight bag and headed for the door. “Have a good night, Dez.”
“You, too. I hope it’s a great night, if you know what I mean.” He wiggled his eyebrows.
I finally got to Armel’s at 6:30. He opened the door and swept me into his arms, twirling me inside. His big smile made all my stresses disappear.
He kissed me as he kicked his front door closed.
When we were both panting, he pulled back and said, “I hope that’s an overnight bag you’re carrying. Clay is coming over around eleven.”
“Yep. I’m all set.”
I was happy to spend one-on-one time with Armel, but it thrilled me we’d be all three sleeping together again. I wanted to see my sugar glider omega more often, too. So many nights when I worked late, I barely had time to head home and grab sleep before working again the next morning. I hated my bar job more and more even though it gave me tips. It took me away from my life with my mates. To my dragon, my mates were our most important treasure. He wanted to be with them all the time and grumbled often when a day or night went by and I was only working and sleeping.
I knew we’d get things organized, but we were still all getting to know each other. We all had our own places, leases, and responsibilities to handle. We couldn’t just move in together overnight.
My dragon didn’t understand that. Mating was everything to him.
I told him over and over, “Taking care of our mates, protecting and providing, is also everything.”
His response. Protect by providing with pens.
To him, our pens were treasure, and you gave your treasure to your mates when it was needed.
Pens wouldn’t buy us a house, let alone groceries.
But he insisted. Pens hold necessary treasure. You’ll see.
I didn’t see, but tonight I didn’t have to think about all that.
Armel had ordered a pizza, which he kept hot in the oven. He brought out plates and beer, and we were set. He had his streaming cued to the comedies we both liked, and we sat back and enjoyed ourselves.
After I’d hungrily gobbled four pieces of pepperoni, sausage, and mushroom, my stomach protested. I leaned back in against Armel’s warm, beautiful body, and together we laughed at the movie antics.
Well fed, and with a second beer half gone, I started to fade. I wasn’t much of a drinker, and tonight I was just so tired.
I curled into the love and safe calm Armel projected and closed my eyes.
The next thing I knew, credits were rolling, and Armel was softly speaking to me.
“I gotta move, sweet alpha. I need to clean up this mess and bring you a pillow and blanket.”
I sat up. “I’m awake.” I blinked several times. “I am.”
Armel chuckled. “I’ll be back in a couple of minutes, okay?”
I nodded, stretching my limbs. I felt so heavy, leaden with sleep. I didn’t need a pillow. Just him.