She nodded, said goodbye to Sofia, and let me lead her to my truck. I opened the door, picked her up, and settled her into the passenger seat, ignoring her glare.
She was silent as I drove, her face turned to the side, staring out the window, lost in thought. She looked really pissed off, though.
She had that same look earlier when I told her the next orgasm was going to happen because of me. My cock twitched at the thought of her making herself come this morning. Her scent, her moans drove me wild. It was all I could do to wait outside her room until she was done. I’d wanted to walk in there and lick her pussy until she was moaning my name, begging me for more.
I’d gotten to her this morning, though. She might deny it, but she wanted me. Now her walls were back up, thinking about whatever fucker had beaten her up.
I had to track this bastard down, make sure he could never hurt Mai again.
When we got to the phone shop, I could feel the tension radiating off Mai as she swiveled out of the car, her movements stiff with pain again. We needed to stop by Thomas’s on the way back, see if he could do anything for her.
I followed Mai into the shop, my senses on alert for any hint of danger.
Mai limped to the desk and spoke with the clerk. I scanned the street, keeping one eye on Mai. There were dark circles under her eyes, and her skin was paler than usual, but her eyes were clear and focused. I could see the determination in them, the same determination that had made her run four years ago.
The clerk showed her some phones. I walked over and picked one up.
“This one.”
“What?” Mai frowned at me.
“This one,” I repeated. “We use it in the Pack. It’s the best one for security.”
I saw her eyes widen as she glanced at the price tag.
“She’ll take this one,” I said to the clerk. “Charge it to the Pack.”
“No!” Mai turned to me. “That’s not—”
“You’re part of this Pack, Mai, whether you like it or not. Your safety is pretty fucking high up on our priority list right now. You’re going to take the phone because it’s the best one there is, you’re going to let Derek give you a briefing on how to keep it clean so no one can use it to track you, and you’re going to let me take you out for dinner.”
Mai’s mouth opened, then closed. Then opened again. It would almost be cute if I didn’t know she was only speechless because she couldn’t decide what to yell at me first.
“Give the man the phone, Mai. You can yell at me later.” I turned, pulled out my own phone, and walked outside. I had calls to make. I couldn’t wait any longer. I was going to track down that motherfucker.
I’d just ended my last call when Mai came out of the shop. She glared at me, then hopped to the car. She was certainly getting faster on her crutches.
I bleeped the locks but didn’t pick her up this time. I knew better than to get in range of those crutches right now. Knowing Mai, she’d swing one at me.
I got in and set off for Thomas’s.
“You okay?”
“Do I look okay?” she snapped back.
“No,” I said, patiently, “that’s why I asked.”
Her shoulders tensed. “I don’t want to talk to you right now.”
“I know. But I’ll be here when you do.”
She narrowed her eyes at me. “Stop treating me like the kid who left here four years ago. I’m a grown werewolf, for fuck’s sake. I can handle my own shit, and I don’t need you or anyone, for that matter, to be sticking their noses in my business. I’m not the same person who left here, Ryan. You don’t know me. Not anymore.”
“You’re right. I don’t. But I’d like to.” I tilted my head and gave her my most charming smile. “So, is that a yes for tonight?”
“No, that is not a yes!”