Page 66 of The Runaway Mate

The scent of sweat, adrenaline, and anticipation from the werewolves surrounded us, tinged with the sharp scent of fear from Shya. My wolf snarled beneath my skin, desperate to break free and tear into the threat. We couldn’t Shift. Not now. There wasn’t time, and we’d be vulnerable until the Shift was over.

Tristan had jumped up when the others came in, and he was now outside the ring, arms crossed over his broad chest as he glanced at the scene. His gaze landed on Shya, a smile twisting his lips. “Kill the rest, but bring Shya to me.”

Shya lunged at Tristan with a snarl. Michael picked her up effortlessly with one arm.

“Not yet,” he whispered. “They’ll take you if you cross the line of fighters.”

Tristan smirked. “No worries, Michael. I’ll get her soon. I’d love to stay, but I have places to be.” Then he turned to his fighters. “The Beta spot for whoever brings me Michael’s head.”

Tristan strolled out of the diner as a howl went up from the werewolves surrounding us.

Jem moved first, launching himself into the werewolf closest to us, claws ripping through flesh as he tore the bastard’s throat out. Jem had partially Shifted. Only Alphas could do that, Shift only one part of their body, and Jem was using it to his full advantage. Blood sprayed, the coppery scent intensifying the frenzy thrumming through my veins.

Two males in wolf form leaped at Jem while another in human form charged straight for me. He was big, had at least a couple of inches on me, and had a ragged red beard that covered most of his face. I jabbed my fist into his face, feeling the satisfying crunch of bone as it connected with his jaw. He stumbled back but came again, his hands doing a one-two punch. I leaned back, feeling the air swoosh across my face as his fists went past.

I ducked beneath another blow and kicked out, sweeping his legs out from under him. As he fell, I grabbed him by the neck and slammed his head into the linoleum floor, once, twice, until he went still.

There was no time to think before the next one was on me. A woman with blond, braided hair and a fuck-off solid steel bat swung at me. I ducked, drove my shoulder into her stomach, then kicked her in the head as she fell to the ground.

The scent of blood was overwhelming now. I scanned the chaos for the others. Jem was in the center of the fight, face hard as he launched a brutal front kick at the wolf attacking him. It caught the wolf in the chest as he jumped at Jem, and the wolf went flying back, knocking into two other attackers. Michael and Shya were fighting together, their movements in sync as they rounded on two fighters who looked to be identical twin sisters. Derek staggered back, clutching his arm, blood streaming down it.

A battle cry echoed through the diner as Jem threw himself forward, slicing through two of his opponents with his partially Shifted claws. Michael, who was following Jem's example and using his claws as well, with Shya at his back moved in Jem’s direction, sending werewolves scattering ahead of them. I hauled Derek up and shoved him after them, then turned, picked up a chair, and brought it down on the head of a man charging toward us.

We were holding our own for now, but we were tiring. If we didn’t end this soon, we’d be dead.

A werewolf rammed into me from behind, sending us tumbling to the floor. The scent of him was a mix of stale coffee and fresh sweat. I twisted as we fell, but I felt a blade slice along my ribs. I kicked out. My boot connected solidly with a knee with a loud crack. And I jabbed my hand into his windpipe to make sure he would stay put.

As I got up, I saw all the attackers were down, either dead, unconscious, or moaning on the floor. Michael walked over to a man slumped against the wall, clutching his stomach, trying to stem the blood that was leaking out.

Michael didn’t say anything, just drove his fist into the side of the man's head. He went limp and slid to the floor.

Okay, then.

“We need to move,” Jem said quietly. “Before reinforcements arrive.”

Michael stood up, glanced at his daughter, then back at Jem. “I have a request. Take Shya back to the Three Rivers with you. Protect her.”

Shya stepped toward her dad. “What are you talking about?”

“I need to go hunting, Shya. Deal with Tristan. Root out all the traitors. I need you safe.” He gestured around the room. “You won’t be safe in Bridgetown until I can work out what the fuck is going on and how many of our people are involved in it.”

“I’ll protect her with my life,” Jem replied.

The piercing ring of my phone cut through Shya’s colorful reply.

“The jammer must have been shut off,” Derek said.

No shit.

I snatched my phone up, answering without glancing at the caller ID.

“Ryan,” came the voice of Jase. His voice was ragged, thick with fear, and my heart froze. I knew before he said anything that it was Mai.

“Mai… She’s gone.”

The words hit me like a physical blow, and I felt my grip on the phone tighten until my knuckles turned white.

“Kidnapped,” he clarified, his voice a choked whisper. “She’s—”