Mr. Cartwright double-checks the contracts, making sure it’s the agreement that gives Matt a stake in my company. The attorney takes his time going through each section, ensuring we both agree on all the stipulations. He hands me the fountain pen and the contract, saying, “If there are no other questions, I just need your signature.”
Emotions rise to the surface, and to my horror, tears fill my eyes. Jace, get it together. But there’s no chance of that at all, not when Desi reaches over and places her hand on my thigh.
“All those countless hours working for this have paid off. I’m so proud of you,” she murmurs, leaning toward me and placing a kiss on my jaw.
“Thank you, Desideria,” I say, pressing my lips to her forehead. “I couldn’t have done it if it weren’t for you. Not like this. You carved this path for me, and I’ll be forever grateful.” I blink away the tears and she just smiles, shaking her head, and I know what she’s telling me with that single look.
I didn’t do anything, you did, but I’m not arguing with you right now.
The door opens and in walks a handsome young man with slicked back blond hair, a sprinkling of freckles across his nose, and lightly tanned skin, the Gen-Zer who is making all of this possible with his incredible talent.
Bryce Edmonds.
He is a hell of a lot more composed than I was the first time I met Matt in person, shaking his hand with a confidence I still struggle to convey.
Next to me, Desi stifles a strange noise that I recognize as her snort-laugh, and she taps my thigh. I snap my head toward her with a what the hell expression on my face.
“Sorry, frog in my throat,” she says, scratching behind her left ear before taking a giant gulp of water, sliding her gaze from me to Edmonds.
I narrow my eyes as I follow her line of sight and nearly fall out of my chair when I see the telltale mark behind his left ear. A sun that is several shades lighter than his skin, that probably no one else would notice unless they were looking for it.
I’ll be damned. Bryce Edmonds is an angel.
I jump to my feet, not wanting to create an awkward lull in the flow of things. I don’t need to be overthinking right now. “Bryce. It’s nice to finally meet you in person.”
“You too,” Bryce responds, shaking my hand. “Ever since our conference call I’ve been researching your work, and I already admire your style.”
I place a hand on Desi’s lower back, guiding her forward. “I’d like to introduce you to my girlfriend, Desi.”
She flashes Edmonds one of her most charming smiles, and my chest warms at the sight of it. Thankfully, I don’t have time to dwell on what that means because she’s off on a roll. “It’s so nice to meet you. I cannot tell you how often I’ve heard your name around the house. Jace was starting to talk about you more than his PlayStation games, and I knew then that if you didn’t sign with him, he’d be devastated,” she jokes, and everyone in the room laughs, including Edmonds, and I give her hip a playful pinch.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, and I apologize for taking up so much of Jace’s time. I’m sure you’ll be glad to have his undivided attention again.”
She glances up at me and winks. “Oh, don’t worry, he found plenty of time for me.”
Little hurricane . . . I wrap my arm around her shoulder and kiss her temple. “Come on, let’s get this paperwork signed so we can go eat dinner. If I know my girlfriend, and I think I do, she’s starving right about now.”
We all take our seats and get settled in. “You aren’t wrong,” she says, and I tap the tabletop twice.
“You all heard that,” I say, pointing a finger around the table. “Mr. Cartwright, I’m going to need you to draw up a legal document stating that Desi admitted I wasn’t wrong.”
Everyone laughs, and the rest of the meeting carries on just as smoothly as it began.
When the last document is signed, everyone stands, and Mr. Cartwright wishes us fun celebrating. We head out of the office and the elevator takes us to the garage floor. A large, black SUV with tinted windows and a man in a black suit waits for us. He opens the back door and the four of us crawl inside. Desi remains quiet during the ride, while the digital design nerds talk about the latest trends and new technologies that will make our jobs easier.
She’s looking out the window, presumably watching the hustle and bustle of the city, when I scoot in a little closer and slide my hand into hers, intertwining our fingers. When she turns her head toward me, I run my thumb over hers, letting it drift to the inside of her wrist.
“Are you okay, Desideria?”
“Yeah, I’m fine,” she whispers, angling her head to mine so our lips are only inches apart.
She really is going to be the death of me.
I force myself to back up just enough that I don’t end up making out with her in front of my new business partners. “Is this too much geek talk for you?”
“No. It’s entertaining to hear how passionate you all are about your work. I’d go as far as saying you almost show as much enthusiasm as I do for shopping.”
I chuckle. “That’s a big claim.”